TITLE: Finding You
AUTHOR: Me! Kim(ness)!
DISCLAIMER: 'Kay, we all know they're not mine -- or anybody who's not FOX. Just gotta deal with it.
SPOILERS: Actually, it's more of an alterna-dom place. It's almost mid Season 2..just nothing after Surprise. Certain things haven't happened, like the episode "Angel" -- Angel's *not* a vampire. Prophecy Girl, Angel would've just helped Xander get to the Master's lair and Xander still would've given her CPR 'cause Angel'll just not know it. School Hard hasn't happened, 'cause Spike hasn't shown up. Yet.
SUMMARY: Okay, Buffy hasn't been called as the Slayer yet. Angel's not a vampire. She ran away from home with Riley (ssh!) to New York, and there we have it.
DISTRIBUTION: Ask and ye shall receive.
FEEDBACK: Yes, please ^.^!