Dawn and Spike Fanfic
The Last of the Sunnydale Gang
Inquisitive One
RATING: Overall fic is rated PG to High R
DISTRIBUTION: Sooner or later my site
https://www.angelfire.com/tv/inqstive1sfanfiction and any lists I send
it to. If you want it let me know.
TIMELINE: Takes place after season finale then goes off into its own
universe, so if you haven't seen the finale and don't want to know
what happened then don't read.
SUMMARY: Dawn and Spike are the only two left of the Sunnydale Gang.
(PG to PG13 rating)
(PG13/high R)
(high R minor NC17)
(high R-NC17 rating)
(first part of 12 rated NC17)
(PG to PG13)
(PG to PG13)
(PG to PG13)