Homeward Bound: Part 9 Blast From the Past


Part IX

Written By: LeeryAndPotter at


Disclaimer: Dawson, Joey, Pacey, Jen, Andie, and Jack property of Kevin Williamson and the WB network. I don’t own them, so please don’t sue.

Category: D/J

Rating: PG-13, basically, if you can watch the show, you can read this.

Spoilers: AJ and Morgan show up at a carnival. Andie talks to Pacey about why people seem to go easy on him, but hard on Dawson. Plus, Mr. McPhee plans a field trip.

Episode # 409

Blast From The Past

Cut to Dawson’s room. Dawson is on his bed watching ‘Empire Records’, talking to someone on the floor.

DAWSON: So you see, in the end, the ‘nice guy’ ends up getting the girl, and the rich snob ends up alone. Could you please tell me why that doesn’t happen in real life.

Camera cuts to the floor, where we see Pacey sitting.

PACEY: Who says it doesn’t?

DAWSON: I say it doesn’t. Remind me why I invited you again.

PACEY: Because Joey had to get the booth ready for the weekend, and she wanted to do it alone. So you yet again decide to dump your emotional baggage on mild mannered Pacey Witter. Also known as…

Pacey jumps up and poses dramatically.

PACEY: Faster than a speeding Mitch, more powerful than a double-barreled shotgun, able to piss off anyone in a single pun. It’s Super-Pacey!

Dawson scoffs and shuts off the movie.

DAWSON: Mild mannered? You’re delusional, Pace. But think about how far I’ve sunk. I’ve gone from analyzing Speilberg films to comparing my life to some sappy teen drama.

PACEY: Actually, that’s not so bad D-Man.


PACEY: Your life is a sappy teen drama.

DAWSON: No it isn’t.

PACEY: Face it Dawson, it’s true. You’ve got a star, you. A leading lady, Joey. A witty and cool sidekick/second banana, me. Then add the supporting cast: Jen, Andie, Jack, your, dad. Then you got your ‘bad guys’: Caulfield, Logan, Mark, Drew…

DAWSON: Okay, now you’re over-exaggerating.

PACEY: There have been four ‘love triangles’ in the past 2 years, all of which you and Joey were a part of.

DAWSON: PACEY! I get the point. But you’re still over-exaggerating.

PACEY: Am I Dawson? Well then tell me this. With all of the other potential females around, Jen, Devon, Eve, Kate, Gretchen. How come, for some reason, you always seem to eventually make a beeline in Miss Potter’s direction in the end.


DAWSON: What’s your point?

PACEY: My point is you’re stuck in this endless cycle with Joey. You break up, Joey finds someone else, you want her back, they break up, you get back together, you break up, you find someone else, she wants you back, and so on…

Dawson looks at him.

PACEY: All the while, anyone who tries to get between you two gets eaten alive. Imagine what would happen if Joey dated someone with a A-Bomb. Come on, decide on something while there’s still a Capeside left.

DAWSON: Gets eaten alive? Wait a minute, I know what happened to you, Jen, and Jack, but what about ‘Mr. Ivy League’, AJ. What ever happened to him?

PACEY: Faded into guest-star obscurity.

DAWSON: Will you quit with the television references already.

PACEY: Now isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black?


Cut to the docks. A carnival is going on, and Dawson’s Explorer is parked behind one of the booths. Joey and Dawson start to remove boxes from the back.

JOEY: Really, Dawson. I can handle this myself. I know there’s somewhere else you’d rather be.

DAWSON: You would think. Unfortunately, the rest of my supporting cast seems to be occupied today.

Joey looks at him strangely.

JOEY: ‘Supporting cast’?

DAWSON: Long story. In a nutshell, Pacey is convinced that my life is a television show.

JOEY: Oh no. Didn’t you learn anything from that ‘pretending to be me’ thing last week? Under no circumstances let Pacey Witter mess with your head.

DAWSON: Too late.

They start taking paintings out of the boxes. Including some black and while portraits. Dawson stumbles on one of himself and looks at it.

DAWSON: See, for some inexplicable reason, I have the sudden urge to yell (imitating Pacey)‘hey, ya got my good side, on the other hand, every side’s my good side’.

Imitates Pacey’s grin. Joey laughs at him.

JOEY: Okay, that was good.

They go back to taking out the paintings.

DAWSON: He’s just gotten so weird lately. We’re trying to get our friendship back on track, but it’s pretty obvious that he’s overcompensating.

JOEY: You were expecting any less?

Dawson looks at her.

DAWSON: Meaning?

JOEY: You may be the ‘only child’ in our group, Dawson. But Pacey exhibits the behavior of one. I think it’s because of how his family’s treated him. He constantly looks for some attention from somewhere, and when he doesn’t get it, he tries ‘mugging for the camera’, so to speak. And when he screws up, and those people get mad at him, he always seems to go to any length to make up for it. Remember how he got rid of Caulfield?

DAWSON: Actually, that was me.

JOEY: I don’t recall you sporting a black eye.

DAWSON: No. Pacey may have picked a fight with him, but I managed to trick a confession out of him.

JOEY: Ever the ‘cool and confident’ James Bond meets Jimmy Stewart, aren’t you? Funny, I’ve never known you to brag.

DAWSON: Okay, it’s official, Pacey is affecting my brain.

JOEY: I think you’re over-exaggerating.

DAWSON: Sorry, it’s just he keeps popping up everywhere I turn.

Dawson picks up another portrait. It’s a close-up of a grinning Pacey. He rapidly puts it back in the box.


Cut to another side to the carnival, the food court. Andie and Pacey are sitting at a table eating. Pacey is examining his french fries.

PACEY: You know what, McPhee. French fries have always intrigued me for some strange reason. Were they actually made by the french? Who decided that they should be covered in processed tomatoes? But then we have to get into ketchup philosophy, which opens up a whole new can of worms.

ANDIE: Pacey, shut up and eat your worms…(begins laughing hysterically) I mean your fries. Eww…I mean your fries!

Pacey puts a fry to his mouth and sucks it up.

PACEY: Mmm…slimy.

ANDIE: Okay…gross.

Pacey puts a fry on his ear and leans over to kiss Andie. She goes to the side of his head and eats the fry.

PACEY: Hey…moocher.

Andie kisses him.

ANDIE: Nope…smoocher.

They kiss again.

ANDIE: Thanks again for bringing me, Pacey.

PACEY: My pleasure. Not only do I not have to play ‘Captain Skippy’ this year, but I’d rather spend a romantic weekend with my girlfriend than spend another minute trying to convince the ‘will they, won’t they’ couple of the millennium.

ANDIE: Still no luck with Dawson and Joey, huh?

PACEY: Nope, and I’ve been trying to play ‘matchmaker’ for over a week. I’ve managed to get Dawson to admit he still loves Joey. I’ve gotten Joey to admit she still loves Dawson. But when it comes to getting one of them to admit it to the other one, no luck whatsoever.

ANDIE: Pacey, maybe you’re being too hard on yourself.

PACEY: Andie, could you please explain to me why everyone seems to think I’m too hard on myself. If anything, I’m not hard enough on myself. I mean, if Dawson screws up, Joey, his parents, absolutely everyone jumps down his throat about it and never forget it. But when I screw up, everyone forgets about it within a week. Just for once, I would like someone to stay mad at me for awhile.

ANDIE: Maybe…people just have higher expectations of Dawson. I mean, he’s so squeaky-clean no one expects him to do anything wrong at all. With you, it’s different. For some reason, people expect you to screw up.

Pacey looks downwards.

ANDIE: I guess that’s why every time you do something nice, it astounds me.

Pacey smiles at her.

PACEY: Thanks Andie. Sorry, it’s just that I feel guilty about the whole thing, you know. I mean, if it wasn’t for me, they would probably be making out in one of the outhouses right now. Tell me something, am I truly pathetic to be trying to fix something that’s already happened and can’t be undone.

Andie grabs his hand.

ANDIE: Pacey, the day that you don’t feel guilty about hurting your friends is the day that you should worry.

PACEY: Thanks McPhee.

Andie smiles.

ANDIE: Now, were you saying something about outhouses.

Cut the Dawson and Joey’s booth.

JOEY: So, tell me, how did your dad solve the whole ‘restaurant on the creek’ thing?

DAWSON: We managed to fish most of the tables and chairs out of the creek. Lucky for us, Mr. Crawford handled most of the expenses. JOEY: You’re kidding me. Your dad actually got Anderson to pay for it?

DAWSON: Anderson’s parents, actually. And not by their own choice, either. Mr. McPhee is a godsend around here lately. Dad, on the other hand, said that the next time he saw Pacey Witter would be too soon.

Joey goes back to hanging the portraits on the booth, but stops when she sees what one is in her hand. It is of her mother.

JOEY: I’m not so sure I want to sell this one.

DAWSON: It’s beautiful. I can’t believe you did that yourself.

They sit down on a bench.

JOEY: It’s nothing, really.

DAWSON: Nothing? Joey, you didn’t need the people there when you drew these, not even a picture. You just did it all from memory.

JOEY: It’s nothing much, Dawson. I guess I just have a really good memory.

Joey goes into the back to get more paintings. Dawson reaches into the box and pulls out another one. It is of him and Joey, side by side, smiling. Not as they were now, but as they were back in sophomore year(season 1). Dawson smiles to himself.

DAWSON: (to himself) A better one than you think. Dawson leaves. He heads towards a group of outhouses and opens the door to one. He jumps back when he sees Pacey and Andie inside. They are kissing passionately, but break apart when they notice Dawson standing there.

ANDIE: Oh god. This is embarrassing.

Andie turns bright red.

PACEY: Can’t we get some privacy here, D-Man. Pacey slams the door. Dawson goes back towards the booth and sees a blonde girl looking at some of the paintings.


The blonde girl turns around. It’s Morgan from ‘Cinderella Story’.


DAWSON: Sorry, I thought you were somebody else. Can I help you with anything?

MORGAN: Just looking. Did you draw any of these?

DAWSON: Afraid not. A friend of mine did, though.

MORGAN: Girlfriend, or just friend in general.

DAWSON: Possibly both. Err…that was probably a bit too much information to tell a complete stranger.

MORGAN: Don’t worry about it. Trust me, I can relate. DAWSON: I sincerely doubt that.

MORGAN: You’d be surprised.

Joey arrives from the back. JOEY: Dawson, who are you talking to.

She looks up and sees Morgan.

JOEY: Morgan? Hi, what are you doing here?

MORGAN: Not much. A.J. wanted to come see how you’re doing.

Looks around the booth.

MORGAN: You’ve obviously kept yourself occupied.

Suddenly, A.J. comes running from around the corner.

AJ: Hey Morgan. Remember that Pacey guy I told you about?


AJ: I just…well…sort of accidentally caught him making out with some blonde girl in one of the outhouses.

Joey’s mouth falls open, then she covers it with her hand and starts to laugh. AJ: Umm…hi Joey, how are you?

JOEY: I-I’m good. It’s really good to see you two again.

Dawson gives AJ the ‘evil eye’.

JOEY: Well, I’d better make with the introductions. AJ, Morgan, meet Dawson Leery. Dawson, this is AJ and Morgan.

Dawson and AJ shake hands.

AJ: Nice little display you have here. In a ‘Vincent Price’ sort of way.

DAWSON: Museum décor. That’s a reference to ‘House Of Wax’, right.

AJ is surprised that Dawson knows that.

AJ: Right. Listen, we can leave if you have work to do…

JOEY: No, no. We’re just here to set up the booth. They’ve got someone else to actually sell them.

Suddenly, they hear a crash.

MITCH: (off-screen) YOU?

The four of them watch as Pacey and Andie run past the booth, followed by Mitch.

PACEY: Let’s go somewhere else, McPhee.

ANDIE: Bye, Mr. Leery.

AJ turns and faces Morgan.

AJ: Okay, something about that guy bothers me.

Cut to the McPhee house. Jen and Jack are doing homework when Mr. McPhee comes into the room.

JASON: Well, how are you up for a little trip next week, Jack?

JACK: Huh, where?

JASON: Well, you see, that was an old friend of mine on the phone. He’s the dean at the ‘Rawley Academy’ and wanted to know if I wanted a tour of the place. Just his way of saying ‘I want to show off all my accomplishments and brag about them’. Still, it would be a pretty good for you and your friends to get away for a week.

JACK: I don’t know, dad. (turns to Jen) what do you think?

JEN: Well, it would be nice to see Will again.

JASON: Who’s Will?

JACK: Will Krudski. He’s an old friend of Pacey’s, we met him around last March Break. He supposedly got a scholarship to your friend’s school.

JASON: Well, that might be a bit of a problem for you, Jen.

JEN: Why is that? JASON: It’s an ‘all-boys’ school.

Jen looks at Mr. McPhee, an insulted look on her face.

JEN: What?

Cut to Leery’s Fresh Fish. Dawson, Joey, AJ, and Morgan are siting at a table.

AJ: So, what have you been up to since we last saw you.

JOEY: Long story.

MORGAN: But you’re going to tell us anyway, right?

JOEY: Nothing much. Triangle. Spent the summer in Florida. Boyfriend cheated on me with ex’s new girlfriend. Ran into 2 raving psycho’s…

Morgan and AJ’s jaws drop.

AJ: Okay, that’s just weird. DAWSON: Not around here, it isn’t.

MORGAN: So, Dawson, what do you do.

DAWSON: What do I do? MORGAN: You know. Joey’s an artist, so what’s your thing?

DAWSON: Uh…movies.

MORGAN: Movies? Care to elaborate?

DAWSON: Analyzing them, watching them, studying them, making them, writing them. Basically anything that has to do with movies.

AJ: That would explain the ‘House Of Wax’ comment.

MORGAN: Writing them? You’re a writer, too? DAWSON: Too?

MORGAN: Yeah. AJ’s a writer as well. AJ: Nothing as fancy, Hollywood type as you, of course.

DAWSON: To tell you the truth, I haven’s had much luck lately.

AJ: Writer’s block?

DAWSON: Something like that.

Mitch comes into the room and is arguing on the phone.

MITCH: No, you listen to me, Crawford. I am not paying to replace everything just because your son decided to go on a rampage. What? Oooo…he was afraid of them. Well, if he thinks Dawson is scary, he’d better hope he never has to see me. Hello? Hello?

Mitch hangs up the phone.

MITCH: He hung up on me. Unbelievable.

JOEY: I think we’d better go somewhere else.

Cut to the McPhee house. Pacey and Andie enter the kitchen, where they see Jen talking to Jack, and ranting.

JEN: You’ve got to be kidding me? In this day and age. Of all the petty, chauvinistic…

PACEY: Umm…are we interrupting something here, Lindley?

JACK: She’s trying to blow the gender gap wide open.

PACEY: Oh oh. Better run, Andie. This could get ugly.

JEN: Very funny, Pacey.

JACK: Seems an old friend of my dad’s is the dean at the Rawley boys’ academy. And he’s been invited to go next week.

ANDIE: Hey, isn’t Will there? PACEY: Yeah. What say we pay Krudski a surprise visit.

JACK: Pacey, you’re not going to do something stupid, are you?

Pacey clutches his heart, acting as if he’d been stabbed.

PACEY: Me? Do something stupid? Aw, you know me.

JACK: That was what I was afraid of.

PACEY: Are you implying I am irresponsible?

JACK: Why else would that Buzz kid call you "Pissy’?

PACEY: Whatever you say, ‘Jackers’.

Jen surpreses a chuckle. Jack looks at her coldly.

PACEY: Could you ask your dad if we can invite any more people. I just know that, if we leave Capeside for a week without inviting her or Dawson, Joey is probably gonna lynch me.

JEN: We’ll work on it.

Cut to Dawson’s room. Dawson, Joey, Morgan, and AJ are there.

MORGAN: Wow! Look at this room. AJ: What happened? A tornado hit a movie studio and it landed on your front lawn?

DAWSON: Funny.

JOEY: So, now it’

s your turn. Tell me what happened after I left. MORGAN: What do you mean?

JOEY: You’re kidding me.

AJ: I think she’s talking about us.

Morgan looks at AJ with disbelief.

MORGAN: You told her? I can’t believe this.

AJ: I didn’t tell her anything. Considering what she said last time I saw her, it would seem obvious.

DAWSON: Excuse me? What are we talking about here? As usual, I seem to be the last one to be informed about things.

AJ and Morgan look uncomfortable.

AJ: Well, you see, that is, after Joey left, we sort of…

MORGAN: Well not right away, but, you see, she said something around the lines of…

AJ: A whole sort of ‘Some Kind Of Wonderful’ scenario, implied of something between…

MORGAN: So we sort of eventually tried to talk about it, but couldn’t decide what exactly to say…

AJ: Amazing. Since normally we can’t seem to keep our mouths shut. Well, to make a long story short, we sort of, well…

AJ and MORGAN: We got together.

DAWSON: Now I know how people feel when they try to listen to me. Would you care to elaborate? I’m not too clear on exactly what you’re talking about.

AJ: Okay, well. Joey dumped me, but unlike everybody else, she had a reason for it. She seemed to think that I was interested in Morgan. So, I went to talk to Morgan about it, explained what happened.

MORGAN: Of course, Mr. Oblivious didn’t believe her. He said, and I quote, ‘Isn’t that the silliest thing you ever heard?’

AJ: I was in denial, so sue me.

MORGAN: Of course, some other guy gets interested in me, and BOOM, no more denial.

AJ: I over-reacted.

JOEY: Meaning what.

AJ: I heard him bragging about how he was planning to take advantage of her. So I pushed him into Boston Harbor.

Dawson starts to laugh.

DAWSON: You did what?

MORGAN: I swear, I would have killed him if it hadn’t of been so hilarious.

AJ: So afterwards, we had a little talk. And I sort of said something around the lines of ‘maybe there was something to what Joey said’. Not knowing when to shut up, I started going on about how it would weird for us to do the things couples usually do. Then she, well, kissed me. Let’s just say, that made the denial go bye-bye.

DAWSON: I’ll bet. But what did you mean by ‘it would be weird’?

AJ: Well, you see, ever since me and Morgan were kids, we’ve been best friends. We grew up together, it sort of makes things strange, you know.

Dawson is surprised when he hears this. He knows exactly what AJ is talking about.

JOEY: Well, I’ve got to get back to the carnival. Don’t want to leave the substitute there too long.

MORGAN: I’ll come with you.

Joey and Morgan leave.

DAWSON: Can I ask you a question, AJ.

AJ: Sure.

DAWSON: Don’t you ever get scared?

AJ: Of what?

DAWSON: Well, you said that Morgan was your best friend. So what happens if you ever break up? How can you risk loosing that friendship if things don’t work out?

AJ: Well, for one thing, I don’t see that happening. For another, if it does, I don’t think it would destroy us, only make us stronger.

DAWSON: What do you mean? AJ: Did you ever watch ‘Superman’.

DAWSON: The Christopher Reeve movies or the cartoon? AJ: Neither. The television series. ‘Lois and Clark’, it was on a few years back.

DAWSON: Sometimes. I have a few episodes on tape, but I never really got into it.

AJ: Well, for a lot of the series, the producers kept Lois and Clark apart. But it wasn’t because they didn’t want to be together, it was because of the circumstances. The guy was Superman for crying out loud, that meant that the circumstances for them were a hundred times worse than for any other couple you could imagine. But just because they weren’t together, didn’t mean that they didn’t love each other. It’s just that circumstances always got in the way.

AJ stands up.

AJ: I’m not saying that things between me and Morgan are ever going to be simple. We’re going to have problems, and big ones at that. But I honestly think we can handle anything that comes our way. As friends, we could handle anything or anyone. We’ve just got to make sure that, no matter what relationship things happen, we still keep that friendship between us. If we do that, nothing in the world can stop us.

DAWSON: I used to believe that.

AJ: I figured as much. Joey seemed to know what she was talking about, a little too much. The only possible way for that would be if she had been through the same things yourself.

DAWSON: You hit the nail on the head this time. AJ: So tell me, Dawson. Were you the oblivious one, like me, or the pinning one, like Morgan.

DAWSON: I was you, at first. Now it seems as if it’s the other way around.

AJ walks over to Dawson’s tape collection and looks at the labels. He picks one out and hands it to Dawson.

AJ: Here you go, Dawson. Maybe it’ll give you an idea.

DAWSON: Isn’t comparing myself to Superman seem a little vain.

AJ: You’re not comparing yourself to Superman, you’re comparing yourself to Clark. Lois was interested in Superman, and Clark was her best friend. Superman was more impressive, was shown as a hero, and who everyone said they would have picked in her position. But she picked Clark in the end, her best friend. Guess maybe ‘nice guys’ don’t always finish last after all.

AJ leaves. Dawson puts the tape in the VCR and starts watching it, smiling to himself.

Cut to the carnival. Joey and Morgan are at the booth. Joey is frantically searching for something.

JOEY: Where is it? It’s gone, I can’t believe it. It’s gone, somebody bought it.

MORGAN: What is it?

JOEY: A portrait I drew of my mom, and it’s gone. I didn’t want to sell it.

MORGAN: Oh god, I’m so sorry Joey.

JOEY: I spent 3 months on a boat this summer. Every morning, I woke up early and drew it, all from memories. I wanted to get it just perfect. That seems to happen to me a lot.

MORGAN: What does?

JOEY: Whenever I accomplish something, I manage to lose it.

MORGAN: You know what, Joey. There’s only one thing to do in that situation.

JOEY: What’s that?

MORGAN: If you can’t find something, try to replace it. And don’t settle for something similar, either. Or, sometimes, try to get the original back. Well, I’ve got to get going. I’ve got classes tomorrow.

JOEY: See ya, Morgan.

Morgan leaves. Joey sits by herself for awhile, but then Mike comes on-screen. He sits next to her.

MIKE: Am I intruding?


MIKE: Just making sure I’m still welcome. You look pretty upset. Do you want to talk about it.

Joey looks at him.

JOEY: A little too late to be playing ‘father knows best’, isn’t it.

MIKE: I know. But Mitch gave me some pointers, and better late than never.

Joey relaxes.

JOEY: I lost one of my portraits. (sadly) The one of mom. I just…I didn’t want to sell it. I just wish I knew who bought it so I could talk to them.

MIKE: So talk. He’s sitting right beside you.

Joey looks surprised.

JOEY: You bought it?

MIKE: Yeah.

JOEY: Why?

Mike sighs deeply.

MIKE: I guess because, after all this time, I still miss her.

JOEY: Wouldn’t it remind you of mom a little too much. I mean, wouldn’t seeing her face again every day make it hurt even worse. I mean, wouldn’t you rather try and forget about her?

MIKE: I think, when you love somebody, you never forget about them. No matter how much you messed up, no matter how much you hurt them, you can’t forget about them. And I don’t want to, I never want to as long as I live. Because as long as you don’t forget about someone, they’ll never really be gone. They’ll always be there. (points to his chest) and here.

Mike takes out the picture.

MIKE: Here you go. I’m sorry about the trouble.

JOEY: No trouble. And…you keep it

Mike looks surprised. MIKE: Are you sure?

JOEY: Yeah. Something tells me that you need it more than me.

Mike leans over and kisses her cheek.

MIKE: Thank you.

He walks away.

JOEY: You’re welcome, dad.

Cut to a bench, later that night. Joey is sitting down, when Dawson arrives.


She looks up at him and smiles.

JOEY: Hey.

DAWSON: I take it Morgan went home.

JOEY: Yep, turns out my dad bought that picture of mom. He wanted something to remember her by.

DAWSON: I guess that you’re never really alone as long as you have your memories. And you helped him, you were the one who drew it.

JOEY: It was just a picture, Dawson. It’s nothing like what you would’ve done.

DAWSON: You’re right, Joey. That’s probably why you’re so much better than me.

JOEY: Dawson, I’m not…

DAWSON: Yes you are. And it amazes me how you never seem to notice it. With me, with my movies, I have to plan ahead. I have to script the whole thing, imagine the concept, and break my back to get it done. But you, all you need is a pencil, and there is nothing in the world that can hold you back.

Joey smiles, considering what he just said.

DAWSON: You know what, Jo. I’ve always wondered why we’re such good friends, and I think I’ve finally figured it out. The one thing we have in common, above all else.

JOEY: What’s that?

Dawson smiles at her.

DAWSON: Imagination. We can think of things, and open up entire worlds with it. Maybe our constant analyzing of everything doesn’t always tell us what will happen. But, sometimes, it manages to tell us why things happen. It helps us make sense of our lives.

JOEY: You sound like you’re in deep thought.

DAWSON: I was just watching some old ‘Lois and Clark’ episodes and something picked my interest.

JOEY: What?

DAWSON: There was an episode where Clark brought Lois flying up into the clouds and said that was where he went to think. He said something like, ‘This is where I feel at home, not part of down there, not part of up there, in the middle, like me’. When you think about it, you and me are a lot like that. Trapped between two worlds, youthful innocence and hopefulness, and cold hard reality. Maybe someday we can actually make some sense between the two of them.

JOEY: For tonight, at least, can we stay in the ‘youthful innocence and hopefulness’ part. It’s been a long time, and I’ve had enough cold reality to last a lifetime.

They get up and go towards one of the carnival rides. The camera pans over to the booth, and goes for a close-up of the season 1 Dawson and Joey.

Fade to black. End credits.


You knew it was bound to happen eventually. Crossover time with Dawson’s Creek and Young Americans.

The gang heads over to New Rawley to see Will, but Pacey and Andie start having problems. Dawson and Joey try to help Bella and Scout find out the truth about themselves. Plus, Jen doesn’t like the idea of an ‘all-boys’ school, and takes out her anger on one of the ‘guys’, Jake. Check out part 10, ‘Dead Poets Society’.

Send me feedback, please

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LeeryAndPotter@Hotmail.com Thank You.

Email: Jillscreek84@aol.com