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Me & Jimmy

I met Jimmy Fallon during his spring 2000 comedy tour. On April 18th, he performed at the Missouri Theatre in Columbia, MO. My friends and I got there early, so we would be the first in line. Though the first two rows of seats were reserved for the volunteer security guards and their friends, we sat in the third row directly in front of where we figured Jimmy would be. When Jimmy came out on stage, the cheering was loud and long and he had to wait a substantial amount of time before he could begin talking (all the while looking a little embarrassed).
His act was hilarious, of course. He did the "Troll doll auditions" act (which he's mentioned in interviews as doing since his college years), imitating celebrities like Nicholas Cage, John Travolta, Robin Williams, Adam Sandler and more. Later he did a Chris Rock impression, which had the whole audience cracking up. He talked about Saturday Night Live, how during the rehearsal they perform about 15 sketches, but then go into Lorne Michael's office to cut that down to the best ones. He sang a song he had written for him and Tom Petty to sing together, but had gotten cut. The show ended way too soon, and the audience clapped and cheered wildy until he came back out for an encore; he sang his "Spring Break" song medley.
While we were waiting for everyone else to file out of the theatre, I decided to ask one of the student security officers if Jimmy had left yet, or if he would come back out to sign his book (there were only maybe 25 people left at this point). He didn't know, but he pointed me to someone who would, and this person went backstage...and came back out with Jimmy Fallon! There was a pit between the stage and the rows of seats, and Jimmy jumped down there to greet everyone. He took my copy of his book (I Hate This Place: the Pessimist's Guide to Life) and the Sharpie I had ready. I asked him to sign page 16, because it was my favourite, and he grinned and opened it up.

When he was handing it back to me, I asked him for a hug, to which he said "Yeah sure" and hugged me. Other people were filing down to get pictures taken with him, so I handed my camera to my sister and went down to ask him for a picture. I stood by and waited while other people asked for his autograph, but since they didn't have pens I gave him my Sharpie to use. Then he turned to me and said "Oh I didn't sign your name in there [the book], do you want me to?" so I gave him back the book and spelled my name out for him. He wrote "Brianna, Thanks again" on the title page. I asked him for a picture, and he posed with me; but my sister snapped it rather quickly so he said "Wait that was too fast, let's take another one" and we posed for another. {I am so grateful we did, because my photos came out orange, but my best friend snapped the second picture, which did come out} He autographed some things for some people {everything from tickets to shoes to someone's leg}, but nobody else had a pen so a girl gave him my Sharpie and he said "Is this Brianna's?" and looked at me. He was very sweet, and made sure he had signed autographs and posed for pictures with everyone who was there. I told him he was hilarious on Conan, when he sang 80s songs to "Can't Touch This" and he replied that he was going to do it tonight but he hadn't brought his MC Hammer tape. As he was leaving, I asked for my Sharpie back and he said "Oh yeah, sure!" and handed it back to me, with both hands around mine, saying "Thank you so much!" {that was only about the fourth time he'd thanked me for borrowing it}.
After meeting Jimmy, I can say that I admire him more than ever; not only is he hilariously funny, but he is an incredibly nice person as well!

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