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The Secret of Mia’s Past

By Meaghanne

Chapter One

Mia sighed as she looked out the window. The guys were practicing outside. She wanted to join them so badly. But then. . . no, she couldn’t tell them about her past. The guys wouldn’t understand why she didn’t tell them that she was the leader of the Kaminari Ronins. Mia smiled. Kaminari meant "thunder" in Japanese. The girls had used to call themselves just the Lady Ronins. Then, the warlords had come into the picture. Before they had worked for Talpa. The girls had fought against them several times. Mia and Aricia had always attacked Dais with lightening speed and at unexpected times. This had earned the two the nickname Kaminari. Then it had spread to the group.

Then, Ryo came jogging inside. He gave Mia one of his biggest smiles and Mia felt her heart melt. He is so hot... She thought to herself.

"Do you want to join us, Mia?"

Mia smiled. "Ryo, you know I don't fight..." Mia almost dropped the dish she was cleaning as Dais appeared behind Ryo.

"You? Don't? Fight?" Dais asked in disbelief. Mia shot him a glare as Ryo turned.

"Oh, Hi Dais. No, Mia won't let us teach her how to fight-"

Dais smirked. "Teach her? She's probably..." Dais shut up upon receiving Mia's death glare.

"What does he mean?" Ryo asked, looking at Mia in a confused way.

Mia shrugged. "Dais is weird. Now, go back outside. I’ll bring lunch out later." Mia turned to Dais. "You are evil."

Dais’ mouth dropped open. "You didn’t tell them!?"

Mia glared at him once again. "No, I didn’t tell them! They wouldn’t understand!"

Dais smiled. "I bet they would. Have you heard from the others at all?"

Mia shook her head. "Our five year meeting is coming up though-" Just then, a window shattered. "I’m. Going. To. Kill. Them," Mia growled.

Dais smirked. "I’m going to go find Cale and Sehkment. I have a feeling something very interesting is about to happen." Mia stared at him for a moment, and then went back to washing dishes. She’d kill the Ronins later for breaking her window.

"Heh, heh," Aricia grinned from next to the driver's seat, where Kaila sat. "Okay Kai! Old Lady with a cane! 75 points to hit her!"

Kaila swerved around on the road. "These people are so screwed up! The car is on the wrong side of the road!"

Victoria rolled her eyes. "Kai, we're in Japan. Not California. Japan." Maya went slamming into Victoria as they went around a corner, dark hair flying. The huge Koji mansion loomed in front of them.

"I really hope she's home. Or at least living here," Aricia muttered. Kaila and

Victoria shot her glares while Maya hid a smile. Aricia jumped out of the

convertible, pushing long blonde hair out of her eyes. She walked up to the

front door and knocked.

"I'll get it!"

"No, me!" The girls heard the voices of men yelling.

Aricia blanched. Maybe Mia doesn't live here anymore. . . She looked up as the door opened. A tall muscular man with grayish black hair and a yellow headband stood there.


Ari gave a weak smile. "Uhm.....does Mia Koji live here?" The man looked her over. "Who wants ta know?"

"Who's asking?" Kaila countered. She had walked up and was standing behind Aricia, red hair floating in the slight breeze. The man looked at her, startled.

"Kento? Who's here?" A blonde haired young man came to the door.

"We're looking for Mia." Aricia told him.

He looked her over for a minute, then looked over his shoulder. "Ryo, can you get Mia please?" Aricia saw a black haired young man get up and walk out of the room.

"Please, come in," the blonde beckoned. Aricia smiled and walked in.

"Tori, Maya? You guys coming?" The blonde followed her gaze as she watched Maya and Victoria step out of the car. He followed Victoria's every move.

"Hello," He murmured as she passed him. She turned and gave a flirty smile.

"Why, hello."

The blonde grinned. "My name is Sage. Sage Date. May I be so bold as to inquire the name of such a lovely lady?"

Kaila snickered. "Tori, you've met your match!"

Victoria shot her a glare before she turned back to Sage. "It's Tori. Victoria Seanne."

Mia walked into the room at this point. "Yes, can I......Ari? Maya? Tori? Kai?!"

Mia's mouth dropped open.

"Mia!" The girls all rushed to hug her. Mia grinned. "What are you doing here?!"

Aricia stood back and looked Mia over. "Mia! What happened?" Mia looked at her, worried.


Ari's hand flew to her mouth. "Did someone get you with the old ladies' clothing truck? You look like you're thirty!" Mia blushed.

"Ari!" At this point, three other young men walked into the room.

"Mia! Just how many hotties are you living with?!" Kaila demanded. Maya grinned. "Yeah Mia. You're living Tori's fantasy."

Mia blushed bright red. "Guys! Okay, I'll do introductions over tea. Okay?"

As they all walked into the kitchen, Aricia walked up next to the handsome young man with blue hair. "Hello," he said, turning to her, obviously surprised that she would speak to him.

"Um . . . hi," Ari offered her hand. "I'm Aricia Walker."

The boy gave a slight shy smile. "Rowen Hashiba." He shook her offered hand. She took a seat next to him as they all sat down at the kitchen table.

Okay," Mia began. "Girls, these are the Ronin Warriors."

Victoria's mouth dropped open. "But we're the Ronins!" Kaila argued.

The boys looked at her in shock. "No, we're their partners. Uh . . .guys . . .the girls and I . . . we're the . . . Lady Ronins . . .or Kaminari Ronins"

The young man with black hair and blue eyes gasped.

"What?!" Rowen turned to looked at Aricia.

She waved. "Uh, hi."

Mia took a deep breath. "Ryo, I am your partner, Mia of Flare. Aricia here is Rowen's partner, Aricia of Nova. Maya is Cye's partner, Malaya of Riptide. Tori is Sage's partner, Victoria of Faery, and Kaila is Kento's, Kaila of Rift."

Maya stared up at Cye. "I="

He smiled at her reassuringly. "Pleased to meet you."

Disclaimer: Hi Everyone!! How did you like it? Should I continue it?? Please send comments/criticisms to me at I do not own the Ronins and Co, I only wish I did. So please don't sue me. All you'll get is an evil toaster disguised as a computer. I do own Aricia, Maya, Tori, and Kaila, so if you want to use them in a story, e-mail me.

Part Two- Coming. . . Sometime. . . I dunno