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Rowen’s gift

"Blue-chan!" Vidali called out playfully. Rowen held a book in his left hand and twisted the cap off his bottled soda with his right hand and took a drink.

"What?" he twisted the lid back on.

"I have a present for you!" Vidali laid the present, decorated in beautiful wrapping paper on top of the book.

Tomy unwrapped the gift, revealing a plastic card with a blue background and white words. He read it out loud, "If you want to know how to keep an idiot busy for hours, flip this card over." He flipped the card. The other side had a white background with blue words. He read that out loud, "If you want to know how to keep an idiot busy for hours, flip this card over." Rowen flipped it again. Touma blinked. It was the same side he read the first time!

Vidali burst out laughing, "I guess you’re an idiot, Blue-chan!"

With his right hand, the samurai thoroughly shook the soda bottle, aimed it at the hyper girl and twisted the cap off. Soda drenched her clothes and began to get in her hair. Vidali screamed and reached for the bottle. She grabbed it, but Rowen pulled hard. In the tug-of-war, Vidali managed to change the bottle’s aim with Touma’s hand still firmly around it towards his face. He closed his eyes tightly shut as the soft drink showered his face continuously. Vidali finally wrenched the bottle free from his grasp and poured what was left of it on top of his head.

Vidali’s gift

She was all smiles as usual as he loved seeing her like that. Months ago, Rowen would buy her gifts, all wrapped up with only her name on the card and no return address so that she wouldn’t know who the present came from. Then, he’d study her expression as she received her present. This time though, there was no need for secrecy and he wanted to buy her a gift that surpassed all others.
Vidali yawned as she stumbled into the house. Her legs were stiff from the long car ride. They just got back home from visiting Seiji, Touma’s friend. After stomping her feet a few times in order to get the blood circulating back in her legs, she looked at the clock. "Whoo, its 1:00 past midnight. I need to sleep."

She was about to dredge off to bed without bothering to put some pajamas on when Tomy called out, "Well, before you do..."

"Hmm?" Vidali turned to see him holding a package, decorated in beautiful wrapping paper. "Oh, thank you!" Vidali beamed as he held the present out towards her.

"I decided to get you something special," was all he said as she took the package gleefully and began to unwrap it.

Her expression was blank when she first gazed upon her gift. Perhaps it was an expression, but it didn’t have a name. It was an expression that only Vidali could muster. Slowly, she lifted her gift out from the wrapping.

In her hand laid a big disorganized Rubik’s cube. Only one person she knew of could figure out the complicated Rubik’s cube, the ultimate test of intellect, and that was her beloved Blue-chan. A leaflet of paper was taped onto the cube and it read:

Only a true idiot cannot match all the colors on a Rubik’s cube.

Tomy was smiling.

Okay, that's the end of the story. The very first Realm fic that isn't a crossover. My name is MYSTIC if you didn't already know that. As you could tell this fic uses a bunch of different names for the archer. His original Japanese name, Touma. American dub name, Rowen and Spanish dub, Tomy. Also it uses the nickname Vidali gave him. Vidali is my own creation.