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01/27/02:New X-Files Figures

  • Moore Action Collectibles has announced that it will be releasing a new line of X-Files action figures! The first wave of figures will be Skinner, Doggett, and (for some stupid reason) Maitreya from First Person Shooter (7x13). You can see models of the new figures here -- they look phenomenal! They also just announced that the second wave of figures will include Reyes, Krycek (yay!), and the Alien Bounty Hunter. The first wave will go on sale sometime this year. And for the record, they aren't making Mulder and Scully ones because they were already done by McFarlane (though those were extremely poorly done in comparison with the new ones).

    01/21/02: Syndication?

  • X-Files may be on the way to being syndicated by more stations than just FX and FOX affiliates. According to Brian A. Dixon and the Millennial Abyss, FX is preparing to offer episode rights to other stations such as TNT and the SciFi Channel. Hopefully, they will also soon offer rights to such shows as "Millennium" and perhaps other Ten Thirteen Productions.

    01/20/02: More Duchovny on X-Files?

  • David Duchovny vowed when he left the show last year that he would never return to it on the small screen. But after speaking to Chris Carter late Wednesday night, he agreed to return in time for the series finale. "David was open to it and now the complication of trying to get it done comes," said Carter. "I just have to make the show as interesting as possible, not just for David but for the fans."

    01/18/02: No More X-Files

  • If you're a fan, you've probably heard it by now: The X-Files will not be returning next season. While many people are relieved at this idea, believing that the show has more than outplayed its fantastic pioneering edge, the announcement that it will be cancelled shocked and saddened fans of all ages around the world. However, the decision came from creator and executive producer Chris Carter and not from the suits at FOX, which is a blessing to fans such as I. To have the show cancelled by the suits would be horrifying, while having it ended by Carter is just a show of brains on his part. He has said that he hopes to send out the show with a bang, so stay tuned throughout the remainder of this season to hopefully see some quality shows! Check the official X-Files website or your local listings for show dates and times.

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