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My Favorite Shows

I am an avid television watcher and enjoy shows about the paranormal or the unexplained. Here's a selection of sites for a few of the best. The sad thing is, all but two of these shows ("The X-Files" and "The Lone Gunmen") have been cancelled, and it is currently under debate as to whether "The Lone Gunmen" should be brought back for a second season or not. Duh, FOX, yes it should!

I just want to say right off that I know I can't compete with all of the big fancy websites for all of these shows (and what's the point anyway -- really, how many X-Files episode guides can there be?), so I try to put things on my site that can ONLY be found here. So please, be kind to me and don't steal anything! Enjoy, and if you want something, let me know and give me credit. Really, I don't have a ton to offer, so I'd appreciate keeping that little.

"The Others" (NBC)
"Early Edition" (CBS)

Ten Thirteen Productions
"The X-Files"
"The Lone Gunmen"
"Harsh Realm"

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