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"The Lone Gunmen"

Note: The above promotional photograph was sent to me by Dean Haglund (LGM Richard "Ringo" Langly) himself!

"The Lone Gunmen" was a fantastic show on the FOX Network. It premiered on March 4, 2001. It was the first (and so far, only) spin-off of the show "The X-Files," though we're still pushing for the next one, "Krycek Doesn't Live Here Anymore," in which Nicholas Lea stars as an out-of-luck waiter at a cheap roadside diner. Believe me, it's a winner. Unfortunately, "The Lone Gunmen" was cancelled after its half-season run of only 13 episodes. Not surprising, after FOX's poor form with every good show they come across these days.

I won't try to compete with such sites as for episode captures and such, but I'll try to eventually get a comprehensive episode guide sometime. Hey, it's hard being a college student! You'll just have to wait until I have some actual free time.

Episode Guide

1x01 - Pilot
1x02 - Bond, Jimmy Bond
1x03 - Eine Kleine Frohike
1x04 - Like Water for Octane
1x05 - Three Men and a Smoking Diaper
1x06 - Madam I'm Adam
1x07 - Planet of the Frohikes (or, A Short History of My Demeaning Captivity)
1x08 - Maximum Byers
1x09 - Diagnosis: Jimmy
1x10 - Tango de los Pistoleros
1x11 - The Lying Game
1x12 - All About Yves
1x13 - The Cap'n Toby Show

My first Stephen Snedden wallpaper...::sigh:: I would've been quicker, but it's so hard to find pictures of him!

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