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"The X-Files"

I know I can't possibly compete with "The X-Files" Official Site,, or the Inside the X X-Files Transcript Archive, so this is just a small collection of various X-Files things. I've found these things here and there, and there's also some fanfic I started, but didn't finish. If anyone wants to take a stab at finishing them, just send me the endings, and I might post them!


Bree Sharp on "Regis and Kathie Lee"
Alvin and the Chipmunks' version of "The X-Files" theme

X-Files Fanfic (note: None of these are finished)

Short Fowley-torture fic
Mulder and Scully take a vacation
Post-"Requiem" fic

These are just some pictures I created. Feel free to take them, download them, stare at them in awe...
Wallpaper, for all you Dogget-lusters out there (1020x760)

Note: I didn't make this pic, I stole it from an ad!

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