An all-around well done episode. There were a few bad points. (Any scene with Vypra! Any scene with Vypra!) But, there were of course, some great moments. I liked the Ranger Interaction more than the fights In this episode, but everything was good.
The episode started off with a good scene between Joel and Ms. Fairweather. I liked how the writers aren't forgetting about Joel's huge crush on Ms. F. Hopefully they'll continue with this storyline. I forsee these two getting together by the finale, or even sooner.
Well, anyway, after throughougly hitting on Ms. F, the Ranger call roars. There's a monster In Mariner Bay. Now, these fight scenes were pretty good. I liked how they took on the Battlings and actually detsroyed the monster. These Rangers don't play around. But, then, Vypra comes in here new rover and takes the Rangers for a ride they won't soon forget. The scenes with her 'Vyprari' were well done. But dontcha' just hate the way they snuck in that public service announcement when Carter told the others not to forget to 'buckle up'? My mom was In the room and started lauging when she heard that. I was embarrased out of my mind. She's seen Countdown to Destruction and the best eps of PR, and knows It's a good show, but these are the types of things that cause people to call the show Immature.
Anyway, the rest of the episode was basically Vypra versus the Rangers, with a little monster fight thrown In for variety. They got the LightSpeed Cycles, which were pretty cool, and Joel and Ms. Fairweather had another good scene when she made up that rule. Overall, a good episode. :)
See Ya' Later!