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Fakie Episode #0.1 : Reese's Girl Pal

Lateley, Reese has been acting really funny. Not as wet your pants funny, but hard to explain funny. Dad says it's Hormones. Hormones ? Yeah ... right. What do I think is making him funny ? A girl. Her name's Mikayla and she's way differnt from any girl in my class. She's something like Francis would date : a real priss.

" Malcom ! Tell mom I'm at Mikayla's ! I'll be back around 5:00 !"

That was Reese. There he goes again, going to that Mikayla girl's house. She's never come over here before. Mom said along time ago that she'd love to meet out ' girl friends.' Girl friends ? Blech ! Girls are pansyies !

" Malcolm ! Did you hear me ?"

Ugh .. that's Reese .. again .. " Yeah .. bye Reese. " Did I mention what Mikayla looked like ? I glanced at her once while they were walking by the house after school. She had long blonde hair ( She must have bleached it ... what a beach bunny .. ) and blue eyes, like the color of theof the sky .. or the color of Robin Willimam's eyes in the Movie Jack. Which ever one.

" Malcolm .. where's Reese ?" That's my mom. She's really cool every 17.84 days .. or atleast .. every hamburger night.

" He's walking with Mikayla."

" Oh .. Oh ! How cute !" Cute? That's the first time I heard her say THAT in a while.

" That's my boy .. " That was my dad. He's on the same cool count as mom, exept he skips every once in a while. Like my mom, my dad's a real neat freak. I have no idea where me and my brother's dirty genes come from. We're the darkside of the family, I guess ...

ChApTeR 1 : MiKaYla

" I like chocolate. Do you like chocolate ? Chocolate's really Y-U-M-Y yummy ! I had a chocolate bar 10 minutes ago .. "

That's Dewey, my brother. He's three genes away from a hamster. But you gotta admit, hamsters are cute :Þ ! Once again, It's sunny. I guess thats what you get for living in southern suburban California. Lamade, to be exact.

" Malcolm.. didya hear me ? Didya ? Didya ?"

" Yeah .. say . mom has some chocolate under the bed .. "

" Really ? Bye Malcolm !" Ha ! The lil' squirt doesn't know whats comin.

" Hey Malcolm." There goes my older brother Reese. He seems a little differnt.

" What ? No dipwad naem calling ? No, no noogies ?"

" Nah.. why would you say that ?"

Why would I say that? What ? Is this some kind of human being replica of Reese ?

" What did you say ?"

" Mikayla says that ' naw ' isn't proper english. "

Proper english ? Since when did he care about that ?

" On the contrary ... do you know where the mail is?"

" Um .. yeah .. it's on the table. By the way, Mya called. She said something about getting pizza with the guys .. "

" Pizza ?" all of a sudden, Reese changed into this pale, white, milky color. That's bad, I think. " Oh my goodness, I forgot. I guess I will have to cancel."

Cancel? On Pizza night ? He's never done that before.Especially since pizza's his favoirite food !

" Why ? You know mom's gonna let you go, and I know how you like pizza sooo much !"

" Do you know how many animals they kil to make pepperoni?"

" Who told you that?"

" Mikayla. Now .. could you hand m the phone so I could cancel ?"

" Sure." Ugh .. I'm loosing my brother to a girl ? Blah .. I wish he'd go back to hanging ou with Mya, Aaron and Romie. Atleast with Mya he didn't go crazy .. I think when he met her, he started riding two wheelers. Don't tell anyone I said that though ! Shhhh ! He'd hate to have everyone know that he started riding bikes because of a girl. I see why but, I don't think it'd be that bad since Mya's a cool girl. She's not into pink, and she doesn't wear heavy makeup. My mom realy likes her. She says that she's the " Salt Of the Earth" or was that sugar? Hmph .. there has to be some way to get the old Reese back. But how?

" So .. I'll have to cancel .. "

Okay .. now Reese is using the speaker phone. What a waste of muscle for me !

" Why ? You love Pizza !" ( Mya Said .. ) Mya knows as much as I do about Reese. She even knows what type of underwear he wears ! She found out when she came over and mom was folding the underwear.

" Well, Mikayla tells me that pigs are killed to make pepperoni."

" No shiznits sherlock !"

" Well, anyways, I don't want to go."

" Okay then."

Mya sounds sad. Or is she mad ? Wait- if anyone can help me get Reese back, it's Mya.

" Wait !" Opps .. I guess I sounded a little too anxious.

" Hi Malcom !" Mya said.

" Um .. ca I talk to Mya, Reese ?"

" Talk to Mya ? Sure."

" Thanks. "

" Your very welcome. I'll be outside if you need anything."

" Phew .. Hi Mya !"

" Hi Malcom. Whats up ?"

" Listen, that Mikayla girl's really taking away my brother. I need your help. I have a plan !"

" What were you thinking ?"

" Well; how would you feel about wearing a dress ?"

" A dress ? Now how would THAT grab his attention?"

" Well, my mom tells me ever since you met you've been a real pal to Reese. Actually, Reese see's you as one of the guys. But, when he sees you in the dress, he'll be distracted at the fact that your not in the regular pants and shirt routine."

" Well; gee .. thanks."

" No, really, he will be."

" Well, I was going to get my haircut before going to the pizza place. There is some room for change, I suppose. "

" Great ! Your the best !"

" Thanks. Well, I gotta go. Bye Malcom."

" Bye !" Seeing her tommorow morning is going to be scary.

" What did you tell her ?" Reese asked.

" Oh .. nothing .. " Little does he know .. ha ha ha ...

* i WaNt MoRe MaLcOm ! *