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FaKiE #1.2 ...

ReEsE oN ToP ( corny ... aint it ? )

I know what your all thinking - where's Malcom ? What's going to happen to Mya ? Well .. Malcom isn't able to answer your questions now. It's a beautiful day outside and I, Reese, was thinking, maybe I should explain the rest of the story to you. After all, Mya is my best friend.

" Reese ! Let me out ! Reese ! I have a story to tell ! "
That was little brother Malcom. Heh .. what a sucker. I locked him in the closet. He should last a few minutes .. theres a hole in the door anyways. Francis made it when he practicing the ball toss for the fair. We didn't have a poster with a hole so we just used the closet door.

Anyways, back to my story. My life ... I love having total control. It was a few days ago when this happend, when I was snapped back to real life. A good life, actually. It happend 5 days ago when Mya decided to wear a dress to school .

* R i N g ... R i N g *

" Reese - could you get that ?" Ugh .. I was about to tell my story but I guess it'll have to wait because I was oh so RUDLEY interuppted by my mom. " Hello ?"

" You Reese .. it's me, your ever so cool cousin Sabre. Whats up ? "

" My God Sabre - you're never gonna believe what happend at school last week.

Okay - I guess the story can wait.

" What ?"
" Man .. it all started last week in sixth period ... "

* A t S c H o O L *

" Okay class, quiet down ! " Everyone took their seat inside Ms. Caughlin's Sixth period class. " I can't hear the bulliten. "

" Hello and good afternoon everyone " The lady shakily said on the PA. It was time for the afternoon. bulliten which nobody really cared for. " Today in the news. Your Adams Middle School Bulldog's has again lost to the Skyline Blue Socks in Interscholastic Football. But don't let that get you down, Bulldogs, it's not over yet. And here is your ASB president Laurie Brimham with your ASB news. "

" Hey all you Bulldogs! It's that time of the season again. The birds are singing, the sun is shining and of course, it's Valintines Day. Did you by your tickets for the Valintines day dance yet ? Only 200 tickets remaning. And tommorows the date of the dance of a lifetime. Until then, Seeya later Bulldogs ! Woof Woof Woof .. "

" Toss the girl a bone !" A guy said from the back of the class.

" Shhhh !" A girl in the front of the class said. In Adams Middle school, there were many social groups. The class was devided in Cliques. All the preps sat in the front, the popular people in the middle by the window, the Extreme Sport group ( Sk8ers, Bladers, Surfers and Bikers ) by the book case in the middle and all the unknown, bad score teens in the back.

" Okay .. now that that's over with, everyoone get your homework out. Here's the transparancy, correct it. "

" Is it me or Ms. Caughlin never checks our homework ?" Reese whisperd to his friend Aaron. Aaron was very distinct amongst his friends, not to mention the school body.

" Geez man ... I know what your talkin about. Hey Mya - can I borrow your red pen ?" Aaron asked.

" Uh ... yeah ... sure. " Mya put her fingers on the pen and did an ollie, landing it on Aarons paper.

" Hey- you're getting pretty good at that. " Romie said.

" I know. I might get sponderd cuz thats all you have to do. " Mya replied.

" Really ? Man ... that sucks. " Aaron exclaimed.

" I know - they should have higher standards. What ever happend to equality ?" Reese voiced.

" Whoa ... thats a little out of our league there. " Aaron said. " Since when did you care about that kinda stuff ?"

" When Mikayla read me the the first 10 ammendments of the constitution. They're really moving.

" Oh my gosh man .. don't you know how much you've lost it here ?" Aaron asked in a concernd tone.

" What do you mean ? Everthings just dandy. " Reese replied.

" He's a goner. " Romie Replied.

" How embarrasing ! " Mya put her hands over her eyes and rested her head on her desk. "

" Did you just say Dandy ?" Aaron asked, even more concernd.

" Well .. yes. Mikayla said - " Reese was stopped by Aaron's exclamation.

" Damnit Reese ! Who cares what she says ? " Aaron exclaimed.

" But I see the light - everything she says is true. " Reese Voiced.

" And your point is ... " Mya's voice trailed off ...

" My God - your right. " Reese's Jaw dropped and then he smiled. " Ladies and Gents the real Reese is back.

" Yay ... " Romie joked. Trying to change the subject, he brought up a question. So ... are you guys gonna go to the dance ?"

" Yeah ... I'm looking forward to gettin my groove on, if ya know what I mean. " Mya answerd.

" What about you guys ?" Romie asked

" Yeah. I'm going with my Girl Friend, Jenn." Aaron Answerd.

" Thats sweet. I'm going dateless. Again. Remember last year ? " Reese asked

" Oh that sucked ! " Aaron rememberd.

" Sure did. " Mya added. " Remember what I was wearing ?"

" Hell yeah ! You dressed like one of us !"

" I thought I looked kind of cool, " She giggled. " So Reese .. are you going with Mikayla ?"

" Mikayla ? " Reese looked towards the popular group and lifted an eyebrow. " I don't really know anymore. I think I better ask someone else before she brings the subject up. "

" So what are you saying ?" Mya asked.

Reese smiled.

" Oh .. heck no .. " Mya mumbled.

fakie vault