Grade: Junior
Hobbies: Playing
guitar, listening to music, reading, and watching movies
Pets: Steve
is like a lot of other MCM Members and leads a lonely life without
a pet.
Favorite Actor / Movies: John Cusack in Grosse Point Blank, Say
Anything, and Better off Dead, and Kevin Spacey in
Usual Suspects and American Beauty
Dream Girl: Salma Hayek (What
Steve really meant to say was Cara DeMichele, but he is not wise
enough yet to know that. So, like always I shall single-handedly
save his ass.)
Penis size: "Let's just say I
have small feet." ... Bra-size: See
what Cara says.
Film Credits:
When Harry ate Sally
White Boy Gangster Repellent
Ninja Fury
Real World
Jerry Bringer
Apparently we caught Steve speechless
for he didn't know what to say. That just goes to show you why
you shouldn't do interviews in the shower.
(The above is what happens when something
is left blank...I fill it in at my own discretion.)