Linn, this story is for you.
There's Always Tomorrow
by Ra-Chell
"Jarod!" Miss Parker yelled as she watched him slip into one of theelevators on the ground floor of the high rise. Breaking away from thepack of sweepers, she dashed through the lobby, managed to squeeze intothe elevator and suddenly found herself eye to eye with Jarod. As the lastfew people pressed their way in, the doors shut, leaving the sweepers andLyle in the lobby.
"Well, Miss Parker. What do you plan to do now?" Jarod asked with asmile as they found themselves pressed together by the crowd. He watchedamused as she pondered her options, to pull her gun was out of the question,make a, that wasn't a option either.
"We wait." She answered with a icy stare.
The elevator traveled two floors, stopped to let a few people off ,only to have them replaced with others. Jarod remained pressed againstthe wall, smiling as the doors shut and the elevator lurched upward again.Three more floors and it stopped once more. The same scene was repeated.People exited, replaced by others. Jarod continued to smile at Miss Parkeras they stood in the back.
"You have to get off some time Jarod and when you do..." She smiledback at him as the elevator continued on it's way.
"And when I do, what then?" He asked.
"You 're all mine." Her eyes gleamed and a small smirk played acrossher face.
"We'll see." He answered back with a equally devious grin.
The elevator stopped two more times, each time with fewer people re-entering.The next time it stopped, the doors had almost shut when Jarod made hisbreak, exiting the elevator.
"Damn!" She cursed as the doors closed, preventing her from followinghim.
"Move!" She screamed at the man standing in front of the control panel.Before he could react her fist hit the 'open door' button. As the doorsslowly opened, she pushed her way out and glanced up and down the hallway.Nothing. As she made her way down the hall she tried the doors of the offices,most of they were locked except for a medical office with a few elderlypatients in the waiting room.
"Did a man just come in here?" She questioned the receptionist who noddedher head "No."
Stepping back into the hallway, her cell phone rang.
"What?" She snapped as she answered it.
"Looks like today isn't your lucky day, Miss Parker." Jarod chuckledfrom the other end.
"Well you do know what they say Jarod." She said lowering her voiceas the doors of the second elevator opened and Lyle exited with the sweepers.
"And what is that?" Jarod replied. Her lips curved into a smile as sherecognize a hint of doubt in his voice, as if he had lost some of his edge,her question catching him off guard.
"There's always tomorrow Jarod." Her voice purred and she smiled atLyle's look of frustration. "There's always tomorrow."
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