Kiss Me
Love and a Soggy Twinkie 1/1
Oriana Lemke
Despite her best efforts, Parker's eyes once again wandered to her watch.4:47. Great, just great. Just 13 minutes and Friday would be over.
"Hey, there," drawled a familiar voice in front of her. Looking up fromthe computer screen, Parker managed a small smile in reply to Jarod's lopsidedgrin. "Ready for the weekend?"
She grimaced. "Don't remind me."
"Why, Parker, I'm surprised at you. You should be thrilled to be havingdinner with your family tonight."
"Yeah, them and about ten other people I don't know."
"Aw, come on, it won't be that bad."
She raised an eyebrow. "If that's the case, why aren't you coming along?My mom invited the both of us, you know."
Jarod shifted his feet a little uneasily. "Free dinner and a night inthe company of the fabulous Dr. Parker, sure, but dinner, you and Lyle?Thanks, but I think I'll pass."
"What if I had him promise to keep a distance of at least 50 yards fromall possible weapons?"
"Still not worth the risk." She didn't reply, but he knew her poutyeyes when he saw them. "Hey, I know what'll cheer you up--you don't haveto be there 'til six, right? Wanna stay a few minutes, watch one of thosealien autopsy videos?"
"I don't think so." The videos had been a gift from a thankful parent,who just happened to be a conspiracy theorist.
"You sure? We could go with one of the classics, like the one whereyou can actually see the costume's zipper." Parker had to smile at that.When he'd first watched it, Jaror'd been completely convinced that it wasauthentic; that is, until she had pointed out the metal line going downthe side of the body.
"No, I still have to get my dress from the dry cleaner's." She madea face. "And do my hair and makeup, and pick up a bottle of wine..."
He gave her a sympathetic look. "You could just ditch it, you know.Go home, throw on a pair of jeans, and come on over to my place. We'llorder pizza and watch TV or something."
She graced him with one of her grateful smiles. "Tempting. Really tempting."She paused to consider, then sighed. "But no. Thanks, but I did promisemom."
"Well, say hi to her for me."
"What, no kind words for Lyle?"
He thought for a moment, and was about to give a cynical answer whenthe phone rang. Answering it, Parker's voice instantly changed from thesarcastic tone they always used in their playful banter, to the sweeterpitch reserved for her mother. Jarod stood where he was, listening to herside of the conversation like always.
Parker's eyes suddenly widened in surprise. "You did what?!" Jarod grinnedand leaned in a bit. This was getting good.
A pause, then, "But, mom...Yes, I know he did, but that's no excuseto...Of course I will, but that's beside the point...You'd better believeit doesn't...Yes...I said I would, didn't I?...All right...No, I won'tforget the wine...Okay...I know, 6:00...Yes, mom...Yeah, see you then."She hung up the phone with an exasperated huff, then turned to look atJarod. "You're not gonna believe this."
"My mother's set me up on a blind date!"
Jarod's grin froze. Ordinarily, he would just laugh at the situation.But Parker on a blind date... "With who?" he managed.
"Beats me. Some guy named David Sommers." Scully rolled her eyes. "Momhates an uneven table, and she figured that since you wouldn't be thereto keep me company, it'd be perfectly fine to throw some stranger in theseat across from me." With an irritated growl, Parker turned off her computer,grabbed a couple of files and her purse, and stood up. "I'd better getgoing."
"Yeah," he said slowly. "Wouldn't want to be late."
She smiled back. "Very funny. Listen, call me tomorrow--if I don't answer,get a SWAT team to my mom's house."
"Hostage situation or homicide?"
"Depends on how good the wine is. See ya."
"Yeah, see ya." He watched her leave, completely dumbfounded. Pigs wereflying. Hell had frozen over. Mr. Parker had found religion. She had adate. Mulder gulped. Recovering from the shock of this, another thoughthit him--why was it such a big deal? She was attractive, it was bound tohappen. And besides, she was his best friend. He should be encouragingher getting a life, right?
"Well, that answer's a big fat no," he muttered, flopping down intoher chair. He leaned back, and began to glare at the ceiling. What washer mom thinking, anyhow? Parker was perfectly fine not seeing anybody.For a moment, he tried to calculate exactly how long it'd been since she'dgone out on a date, then gave up. Hell, the last guy she'd even shown remoteinterest in was that freaky resident who'd moved into the office next door,and they saw how that had turned out. "Oh, brother. This is gonna be along night."
"A really, really long night," Parker said to herself again, parkingthe car in front of the house. Checking her hair in the rearview mirror,she grabbed the bottle, then headed inside.
Her mother, brother and sister-in-law all greeted her with hugs andkisses. She didn't mother to ask where daddy was; know doubt "working later"with his secretary. She sighed, and turned her attention back to greetingher family. Afterwards, however, came the mingling, and it wasn't longbefore Parker was beginning to regret never getting a prescription to Valium.Just as an older gentleman, Mr. Downing, from down the street began todescribe -in detail- his root canal last week, Emily finally came to herrescue, pulling her into the kitchen with the excuse of helping with thefood.
Finding sanction near the stove, the two poured a glass of wine. "So,"Emily grinned, "having fun?"
"Absolutely. This party's about as much fun as a tax audit."
"I know what you mean. In fact, where's your bodyguard tonight?"
"You mean Jarod?"
"Never leave home without him," she said in mock seriousness.
"Tell me about it. He chickened out."
"Can't blame him. All I did was mention that your mother'd invited him,and Lyle began to do that twitching thing."
Parker laughed. "He does take big brothers to a new level."
"No, sadly all brothers are territorial oafs when it comes to theirlittle sisters. Must be genetics. You know, just the other day I--" Shewas cut off by the sound of the front door opening, and Mrs. Parker exclaiming,"Oh, David! So glad you could make it. Right this way."
"Hide me," Parker demanded.
"Oh no," Emily smiled. "This is a family function--we all suffer."
"Traitor," she muttered. Laughing, Emily pulled her into the livingroom. Reluctantly looking to the door, it took plenty of the always-properParker's composure to not gape in surprise.
Jarod was sprawled gloomily out on his couch, flipping blankly throughthe newest medical journal. Parker had suggested it to him yesterday, mentioningan article titled, "Physiotherapy for children with CP." No actual readinghad occurred, but he had managed to gain three papercuts already whileleafing through the pages. Finally, he rolled his eyes and tossed the journal,hearing it land with a small rustle near the bookshelf behind him, thenreached for the remote control and flicked on the TV.
"Hey, Parker's favorite show..." She wouldn't be missing it, he thought,if it weren't for that stupid dinner.
Click. "That movie she wants to rent." Click. "An ad for her new car."Click. "QVC rip-off of her favorite perfume." He paused. "I gave her abottle of it for Christmas. I wonder if she's wearing any tonight..." Click.The TV shut off.
"Aw, screw it. God, I need a distraction--" He studied the wall fora moment. "What the hell am I saying? It's Friday night, I'm single, I'vegot friends...Friends I've ignored for months." He thought back throughthe last few months. His busy schedule left little time for a social life,and at the end of a long week the only thing that held any real interestwas a movie or dinner with Parker. Reaching behind him, Jarod grabbed thepillow his head was resting on, and pressing it against his face, mufflinghis voice. "I am pathetic."
Next to the couch, Kyle applauded. "Very nice."
Catherine appeared from behind the television set. "I try."
Parker chatted politely with David as shortly as good manners allowed,then took the first opportunity to grab her mother and duck into the hallway.Catherine Parker didn't seem at all shocked at her daughter's irritation,merely followed calmly. "Anything I can help you with, dear?"
"You know perfectly well what I want to talk about," Parker whisperedangrily. "Mind explaining Mr. Sommers in there?"
"Is something wrong?" she asked innocently.
"Are you kidding?!" She waved through the doorway to where David stoodwith his back to them, speaking to a very bored Emily. "Mom, you've setme up with a Jarod clone!"
"Well, now that's just silly. Just because they have the same hair color--"
"--and eye color, and height, and voice, and taste in clothes," Parkernumbered off on her fingers. "Mom, really, couldn't you have been a littlemore creative?"
"So what if they look the same? David is a perfectly nice man."
"A perfect stranger, you mean!"
"Well, he wouldn't be a stranger if you'd go in there and talk to him."
Parker froze as facts clicked together. "You weren't just aiming fora dinner companion, were you?" Mrs. Parker's eyes didn't quite meet herown. "Mother! I don't believe this! You actually expect me to start datinghim?!"
"Well, why not?" she asked defensively. "You have to start somewhere,and I figured the only person who'd grab your attention was someone likeJarod."
Parker struggled to keep what remained of her composure. "Firstly, Idon't have to start anywhere, and that's because I have zero interest indating right now. And as for your not-so-subtle insinuations about Jarod,there's absolutely nothing going on between us."
"What, you can find time for him, but not a potential husband?"
She made a face. "You're talking like David's livestock or something!Mom, I'm a doctor--that's not exactly a 9 to 5 job. It's time-consuming,and demands every ounce of your energy. Jarod and I are practically atthe same point in our careers at the hospital, so if we're luck enoughto have the same odd hours off, it would make sense that we would spendthem together."
"No buts, mother. Now, I'm willing to go out there and play along asthe polite daughter, but just this once. Set me up again, and I'm goingto march into the middle of that living room, scream and shout, throw afit that will sure as hell embaress you, then stomp out like a spoiledchild."
He'd finally settled on watching a game on TV, but it didn't hold hisinterest long, so Jarod finally headed to the kitchen, deciding that he'dmake dinner to use up some of his energy. He caught himself looking atthe phone a couple of times, like he expected her to call up at any moment,before an idea struck him. He reached for the phone and dialed Mrs. Parker'snumber, grinning at how grateful Parker was gonna be.
She'd never been so happy as to spot Mr. Downing coming her way fiveminutes ago. Even now, as he discussed his little pooch's bowel problems,she couldn't help but smile—after all, David Sommers had stopped buggingher. Realizing this struck her with curiousity, and she looked about untilshe spotted him, and understood why. He'd cornered poor Emily and was inthe middle of incessantly talking to her. She watched her obviously-borednods at whatever he was saying--some appetizer rolled off his napkin, andas he bent down to pick it up, Emily spotted Parker and quickly mouthed,"Help me!"
Parker excused herself, and hurried over.
"--and then I said, 'Of course it's a quadratic function. The graphis parabolic!' " He laughed heartily at what was supposedly a joke, withEmily joining in weakly, when Parker finally arrived to save her.
"Sorry to interrupt, but I need Emily for a minute."
"Of course," David smiled. Parker nearly gagged--there was a small pieceof something green, probably from the broccoli mini-quiches, stuck betweenhis two middle teeth. "Now don't you two lovely ladies stay gone for toolong." Parker laughed politely, then walked off, with Emily practicallydragging her. They went upstairs, and ducked into the guest room.
"Good news," Emily said dryly. "Your lover boy's a math professor."
She plopped down on the bed. "God, this is unbearable."
"Oh, cheer up, I'm sure he has some good qualities." Parker looked upand blinked. "Okay, maybe not. But look at the bright side, it's only--"She checked the clock. "--er, 6:30. Just two hours to go," she offeredweakly, then gave up and sat down next to Parker. "All right, emergencyplan: we grab a bottle of anything strong, and just stay up here for therest of the night."
"That pizza and TV is sounding more tempting by the minute," Parkersighed.
"Jarod. He knew I didn't want to come, offered to let me hide out athis place."
"Oh," Emily replied knowingly.
Parker, oblivious to her comment, went on, "Do you know, mom is hopingthat I actually start dating David seriously."
"She just wants what's best for you."
Parker snorted. "A lobotomy would be better than a relationship withhim. And then, she went on to make more crazy insinuations about me andJarod."
Emily looked at her. "Is it really that crazy?"
"Not you too!"
"I'm serious. I mean, look at the facts--" She was cut off by the appearanceof Mrs. Parker in the doorway, holding the cordless phone in her hand.
"It's Jarod," she said pointedly.
Parker took the phone, waited, then looked at the two expectantly. Theyleft reluctantly. She rolled her eyes and lied down on the bed. "Thankgod. You are never making me come to one of these things alone again."
"That bad?" he chuckled on the other end as he continued working inthe kitchen.
"You have no idea," she replied earnestly. "The best part of you comingwith was that I didn't have to put up with these people--we could justhide in a corner and talk to each other the whole time."
"Oh, yeah, I'm sure your mother loves that."
"You'd be surprised. Anyhow, what's up?"
"Well, I'm sure it'd be difficult for you to tear yourself away rightnow--"
"Very funny."
"--but if you really want out, I've got a plan."
Parker sat up eagerly. "Talk to me."
"But you said you wouldn't be on call all weekend," Mrs. Parker insistedas Parker slipped her jacket on.
"I know." She tried to put some real disappointment in her voice, butit was difficult. "But there's overcrowding at the hospital and not enoughstaff. I'm sorry I'm gonna miss dinner."
"Uh-huh," she replied, not buying it for a second. They heard a carpull up outside, and Parker opened the front door, trying not to look tooeager. She gave her mom a quick kiss on the cheek, then hurried out towhere Jarod sat in his convertible, waving at them.
"Do me a favor," Mrs. Parker called out, "and propose to my daughtertonight!"
Jarod just laughed, and they drove off.
Parker brushed her billowing hair out of her face, and gave a satisfiedsigh, gazing up into the deep blue night sky. "You are a saint."
"Anything for you," he grinned, then pulled over.
"Why are we stopping?"
With a secretive smile, he took her hands and whispered, "Run away withme."
"We'll just keep driving. Neither of us is on call--we could phone insick on Monday, take a long weekend. We both need the break, and it'd befun."
She studied him for a moment, then smiled back. "You're serious?"
He nodded. "What d'ya say?"
She bit her lower lip, grinned. "Let's do it."
Jarod didn't answer, but it was obvious he was pleased. They headedon down the winding road, following the oceanfront.
A little while later, he gestured toward the back of the car. "Takea look."
She did so, and laughed. "So this wasn't a spur of the moment thing."There was a large wicker picnic basket and a blanket.
"I figured we'd stop for a picnic somewhere on the beach."
She dug around for a moment, and noted with appreciation just how muchwork he'd put into the food. A small tupperware container caught her attention.She took it out, sat back down in her seat, and opened it up to inspectit. "Uh, Jarod, what is this?"
He glanced over, then replied sheepishly, "Oh, um, well there wasn'ttime to stop by a store, but I know how much you love tiramisu, so I kindatried to make some...with twinkies and coffee. There's vanilla puddingin another container."
She laughed. "Only you would go to this much trouble."
Relieved at her reaction, he grinned. "Only you are worth it."
Two hours later, they'd had their picnic, and were back on the road.Jarod and Parker had agreed to stop at whatever town came up next for thenight. Already her eyelids were drooping. She sleepily got the blanketfrom the back, wrapped herself in it and snuggled up to Jarod, relaxingher head on his shoulder. He smiled and placed an arm around her.
"This is how it's always going to be, right?" she murmured. "Just youand me."
"I hope so," he whispered.
"We'll always be friends." Her words were sleepy, but certain.
His smile waivered for only a moment before he replied, "The best."He pulled her a little closer, and only when she had fallen asleep didhe add, "And who knows. Maybe more."
In the back seat, Catherine pumped in her fist in the air. "Yes!"
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