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Emily's Page

Author's Notes: This is not my first fanfic, but it's a first using The Pretender. This is also not my last draft so feel free to e-mail me at to correct any grammar or plot mistakes that you may find or even just to say hi ^_^

I'm sending it to the list one part a day so that I don't flood mailboxes, but those who wants to read it all at once can go to where all the parts have already been posted or e-mail me.

Also, there are two different versions of the last part: An NC-17 one and a PG-13 so that everyone can read it. No difference in plot. The sex scene was just cut out for the PG-13 version.

Oh, and before I forget, the title "My Favorite Mistake" is from Sheryl Crow's CD The Globe Sessions.

I think that pretty much covers all I need to say ^_^

I hope you enjoy the story.

Emily Siazon
Come visit my homepage at:
Emily's web page

My Favorite Mistake
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7 PG
Part 7 NC-17

Playing Doctor