The Nexus
by Mandy
A Matter of...
Miss Parker dashed out from the cover of the building's foyer, yankingher gun out as she saw Jarod jump into a waiting cab. As she racedtowards him, a young man stepped in her way, causing her to collide withhim, slowing her down so by the time she reached the curb it was to seeJarod smiling smugly as the cab pulled away.
Miss Parker dashed out from the cover of the building's foyer, yankingher gun out as she saw Jarod jump into a waiting cab. As she racedtowards him, she narrowly missed a young man in front of her, pushing pasthim in time to throw herself in the cab with Jarod, who's smile promptlyfaded as she slammed the door shut and pressed her gun into his side.
Miss Parker dashed out from the cover of the building's foyer, yankingher gun out as she saw Jarod jump into a waiting cab. As she racedtowards him, she narrowly missed a young man in front of her, pushing pasthim in time to throw herself in the cab, which Jarod had occupied untila few minutes ago, until he had exited via the other side. Miss Parkergave a soft growl of anger as the cab driver, paid handsomely by Jarod,sped of with his protesting passenger. Jarod walked slowly away,tossing a smile to Miss Parker over his shoulder, who glared furiouslyat him from the back window.
The rain pelted her body as she watched Jarod disappear, her shouldersslumping with the weight of failure. A matter of seconds, and shewould have had him, she could have moved on from the Centre and her lifemay have had some semblance of normalcy. Admitting defeat, she trudgedback to the building she had come from to find Sydney and her sweeper team.
Jarod shifted uncomfortably in his seat, the gun pressed to his ribsbruisingly hard. Beside him Miss Parker smiled smugly, barking ordersto the driver as he sped along the city street, headed for Miss Parker'shotel. A matter of minutes, Jarod thought to himself, if he had lefta few minutes earlier he wouldn't be in this predicament. If onlyhe hadn't returned to his office to collect his PEZ.
Sydney stared down sorrowfully at the taxi that pulled away from thecurb twenty-four floors down, Miss Parker it's prisoner as Jarod walkedfree once again. A matter of hours, Sydney thought, Jarod had obviouslyhad this prepared hours in advance. Miss Parker would not be happy,Sydney mused to himself, then wandered off to collect the rest of the sweeperteam and set about locating Miss Parker.
To see the sympathy in Sydney’s eyes was almost more than she couldhandle, the apologies of the sweeper teams irritating her. Withinmoments she was back to her old self, sharp commands issued from a throattight with tears she wouldn’t shed. It was becoming too much forher, this endless game of cat and mouse, it had taken over her life anddestroyed every shard of happiness she had managed to hang onto. It killedall hope she may have had of escaping the place with too many regrets andfears, a little place called the Centre.
At her hotel she rode the lift to the top floor, her gun discreetlyaimed on Jarod the whole time. She could almost taste the freedomhis capture promised, and had a bizarre urge to kiss him, to see if hereally did taste like freedom. That would give him a shock, she thoughtto herself, and allowed the fantasy to play a bit longer. Jarod,handcuffed to her bed, saw the predatory gleam in her eyes and winced,he hoped that look wasn’t for him, but god knew it had been enough timesin the past.
Flicking out her cell phone, Parker called Sydney, keeping her eyeson Jarod the whole time.
"Yes, it’s me. I’m at the hotel room. Get the jet ready,I have him."
Once he was somewhere safe, Jarod called Miss Parker.
"Having fun?" he asked with a chuckle, and heard her soft growl of angeron the other end of the line.
"Very cute Jarod. An amusement park. What fractured littlepart of your life is this meant to represent?" she hissed, but he onlylaughed.
"None actually, I just thought you could use a break!" Jarod ended thecall abruptly, leaving Miss Parker to shove her way through crowds, givinga look that could kill to a vendor who tried to lob some fairy floss ontoher.
Of course it would be when she was in the bath that he would call her,Miss Parker thought grumpily, groping around with her hand until she foundthe phone.
"What do you want Jarod?" she questioned, and he chuckled slightly.
"Just calling to see how you’re not getting sick from beingout in the rain are you?" his warm voice seemed to melt through the phoneline, and Miss Parker sighed deeply.
"No Jarod, I’m not getting sick...why would you care anyway?"
"I’ve always cared about you Maya." he murmured warmly, surprise whenshe didn’t growl at him for using her name.
"You really care Jarod?" she asked, her voice breathy.
"Of course mean a lot to me." Jarod replied tenderly.
"Well if you really care for me...and if I really mean something to you,then you’ll get your butt back to the Centre where you belong!!!!" shehollered, and hung up.
He was on the jet before the truth finally sunk in. He was onhis way back to the Centre. Miss Parker, smiling gleefully the wholetime, was about to escort him back to the hellhole he had grown up in andleave him there. Not good, not good at all. They were alonein the small cabin of the jet, Sydney had decided to collect the last ofJarod’s things and return to Delaware on a commercial flight, the sweeper’swere up front with the pilot. Miss Parker was supremely confidentin her ability to handle Jarod, especially strapped to a chair like hewas.
She watched him, to pass the time, allowing herself a long, leisurelyinspection. He’d grown up quite a bit from the young teen she hadknown, his body filled out, become muscular and lean, his face hardeningwith age. He’d make a nice little sex-pet, she mused to herself,pity I won’t be sticking around....
Jarod didn’t like the way she was looking at him, an incredibly sexualgleam in her eyes. He felt like screaming ‘I am not here for yourpleasure’ at her, but knew it would only make her laugh and humiliate him. And secretly he knew, if the circumstances had been different, he wouldn’thave minded the way she was looking at him at all, in fact he would probablyreturn the favour.
He really was sorry that he had to do these things, he didn't like tobut found it necessary. Miss Parker was looking lost down below,and Jarod was tempted to jump off the Ferris wheel and go talk to her,to sit on the seat beside her and let her lean her head on his shoulder. But she wouldn't do that. It would be a bullet in his shoulder beforeher head on his shoulder. He really was tempted though....
Miss Parker rested on the bench close to the Ferris wheel, tired fromthe days exertions. She had stayed in the park, much to her own surprise,and she guessed the reason was that her childhood hadn't had many thingslike this. Deciding to take a ride on the Ferris wheel, Miss Parkerimpatiently waited in line, looking away from the wheel as she studiedthe people around her. Such happy people, children smiling with exhaustedfaces, parents glowing with maternal love, father's giving shoulder rides,young couples tentatively holding hands.
"Hey miss, you mind sharing a seat?" the burly attendant asked, andshe turned to face him, her eyes blurred with tears.
"No, not at all." She murmured, lowering her head so her hair hid herface, and moments later she was bundled into a waiting seat, the protectiverail closing around the chair and the wheel jerking into motion. Miss Parker kept her head lowered as she tried to let her eyes clear, ignoringthe person that sat beside her.
"You know you really should enjoy the view, Parker, it's quite spectacular!"came the amused voice of Jarod, and Miss Parker was startled to realiseit was Jarod next to her. He smiled at her in amusement, with justthe tiniest edge of concern in his eyes, a hand coming to cup her cheekas he realised she had been on the verge of tears.
"Are you okay? What's wrong Maya?" he asked gently, one arm automaticallycoming around her waist to pull her closer to him as he forced her to lookat him.
"Nothing Jarod...just remembering all the "what if" s in our lives."she muttered, and he was surprised that he didn't growl at him for theuse of her first name. Slowly Jarod nodded, wrapping his arm eventighter about her and resting his chin on her head as they enjoyed theview, neither wanting to disturb the moment.
They came in the night. Black figures that she wasn't aware ofuntil they were already in her bedroom, taping her mouth closed and hog-tyingher with rope. She kicked out her feet, hitting flesh and hearingmuffled curses, but there were too many for her to even contemplate overcoming. With terrified eyes she stared at her attackers, hoping for a clue to theiridentity, but their uniform of black clothing, black gloves and black skimasks didn't help, and finally her eyes were covered too.
She was aware of being carried, thrown roughly into the trunk of a carand a sudden lurch as the car took off. Left behind at her house,a man smiled in satisfaction, pulling off his ski mask and climbing intohis car at a leisurely pace and following the one that Miss Parker wasin. His car was a convertible, it's personalised plates reading 'LYLE1'.
The cell was not big, eight by eight at the most. He was pushedin there unceremoniously, Miss Parker's smug face the last thing he sawbefore the door was slammed shut and locked. Electronically. With a retina scan. And a card swipe. And laser sensors. And an additional two dead bolts. Two guards outside. No airvents inside. Three security cameras, all built into the ceiling. A harsh spotlight built so it glared down on the centre of the room.
"They're certainly not taking any chances." Jarod muttered to himself,examining the room. There was a thin mattress with an equally thinblanket on it. No pillow. A toilet built into one wall. Compared to the cell he had now, his sim lab, although just as much ofa prison, looked overwhelmingly inviting.
For a while he paced his small cell. Then he tested all the wallsfor any weaknesses. Then he sat and tried to sim any possible escapes. Without a miracle, it didn't look likely, and he doubted the guards wouldfall for the old 'open the door, I'm really sick' trick, even if they hadenough clearance to open the door anyway. So he sat, and thought,and wondered what his captors had planned for him.
When she had least expected it Jarod had left, obviously for fear thatshe would take him in. they had been at the top of the wheel, whichhad halted to let some more people on down below, and she had turned toadjust her jacket more comfortably, pulling out of his arms for a splitsecond. When she had turned back he was already moving, having swungout of the chair and onto the framework, and as she watched he clambereddown at a frightening speed. Feeling somewhat lost, she had watchedhim go, her face showing a mixture of concern, amazement and sadness athis departure.
Glancing up at Miss Parker on his way down, Jarod was surprised at whathe saw on her face. No anger. She didn't mind him leaving,in fact, she seemed to realise he had to! Jarod allowed his movementto pause for a moment, wrapping one arm around a steel beam to free theother, blowing her a kiss and a smile. Miss Parker looked slightlytaken aback for a moment, and Jarod waited, hoping for the reaction whichhe wanted and then received. She blew a kiss back.
In her empty house the phone rang repeatedly, the way it had been forthe last hour. In his latest lair Jarod hit the speed dial buttonagain, wishing she would answer her phone, either of them. It wasn'tlike her to not answer her phone, normally she just unplugged it if shedidn't want calls, and even then she had her cell phone on. It scaredhim that she didn't even answer her phone that she had in the Centre, althoughhe doubted she would be there.
The phone kept ringing in the empty house.
He awoke in chains, the haziness of his brain telling him he had beendrugged. He was in a dark room, the echoes from the clinking of hischains telling him it was big. There was a loud noise as a largespotlight blinded him, and he heard a door slam. He could just makeout the shape of a dark figure moving towards him, Lyle, a smug smile smearedacross his face. He wondered if smug smiles were a requirement forworking at the Centre, he had seen quite a few lately.
Lyle moved to stand before him, staring openly at Jarod's semi nakedform, taking it all in.
"You'll make quite a specimen genius!" Lyle sneered, and Jarod had amoment of blinding fear.
"I won't do any sims Lyle, no matter what you do to me." He replied,injecting an amount of arrogance that should have annoyed the man, butinstead he only chuckled.
"No more sims Jarod. The Triumvirate has granted my wish… you'reto be dissected!"
Miss Parker was awoken in the night by softly playing music. Groggilyshe got out of bed, pulling a robe over her silk glad form and openingher balcony doors. Stepping out, she looked out onto her lawn tosee Jarod, a guitar in his arms, serenading her. He was singing aJeff Buckley song, his voice smooth and rich, a smile on his face. She smiled back.
Jarod stopped singing and stepped forward so they were face to face,pulling a rose from inside his jacket and handing it to her with a bow.
"For you, my dear!" he said with a flourish, and she laughed slightly,accepting the rose and impulsively leaning forward and kissing him on thecheek.
"It's beautiful Jarod." she murmured quietly, and Jarod tried not togape. She had kissed him! Tentatively he leaned forward, inchinghis face to hers ever so slowly, before gently brushing his lips acrosshers. Quickly he pulled away, searching her eyes for some sort ofnegative reaction.
This time it was she who leaned in for the kiss, tugging him closerby his collar. After they broke the kiss, Miss Parker looked up athim and smiled, delicately taking his hand and leading him towards herbedroom.
When the blindfold was finally removed she was in a large room, a harshspotlight blinding her, and instinctively she knew she was in the Centre. Lyle stood before her, his self-satisfied smile sending shivers up herspine.
"What the hell is this all about Lyle?" she hissed, and his smile widened.
"Three and a half years, sis, and the Triumvirate has grown tired. Your repeated failure in the hunt for Jarod is getting on their nerves,and they've reached a decision." He cooed, almost lovingly, and suddenlyshe was afraid.
"You've outlived your usefulness."
Miss Parker was huddled on her sofa, drinking herself into a stupor. She had been informed of what the Triumvirate intended for Jarod, and blamedherself. If she had of know what they would do, if she had of donesomething...then he wouldn't be another person already on their way to theCentre morgue. It was all her fault. She had never meant forit to be this way, never wanted it end like this. All she had wantedwas her freedom... not her childhood friend's death.
She lay sprawled across his body, sighing contentedly and tracing lazycircles on his chest with her hand. Jarod gently stroked her back,loving that they were together, loving that she hadn't rejected him, lovingher. He understood that this could probably never happen again, toomany things stood between them, too many regrets and fears, but the momentwas nice. Unhappily he realised it was time, and together they rose,dressing in silence.
The sound of the door crashing down was a shock to them, the armed sweeper'seven more so, but the greatest shock of all was when Mr Parker, Brigitteand Lyle strolled in, staring pitifully at the two lovers.
"Angel, I never would have thought it. But the truth is obvious,and this must not happen again." Her father rumbled disapprovingly, andautomatically Jarod stepped forward of her, hoping to protect her. Mr Parker smiled sardonically.
"I guess there's only one way to stop this for good. Kill him!"
The knife was sharp and jagged, tearing into her soft flesh as she gavean involuntary cry of pain, Lyle's pleased expression only making it worse. As her world faded, Miss Parker could only wonder what Jarod would do whenhe found out about her death.
The needle was think and sharp, pushing into hard muscle as Jarodgave a gasp of pain, Lyle's pleased expression only making it worse. As his world faded, Jarod could only wonder if Miss Parker knew about hisdeath sentence and what she would do because of it.
The shots were loud, Miss Parker stepping in front of Jarod as theywere fired, some tearing into her, others missing and hitting him instead. They sank to the floor together, locked in each others arms, and wonderedwhat they had done wrong to cause their deaths.
And Jarod wondered what he had done to deserve a death sentence fromMiss Parker.
And Miss Parker wondered why her death was destined to be caused byJarod.
As Miss Parker and Jarod clutched the knives they had plunged into eachother, they wondered why they had ever been born at all.
Miss Parker dashed out from the cover of the building's foyer, yankingher gun out as she saw Jarod step in front of a cab.
Miss Parker dashed out from the cover of the building's foyer, yankingher gun out as she saw Jarod pull his own gun, and fire a shot at her.
In the darkness they could feel each other, emerging into view and wipingthe tears from their eyes.
"We've tried it every way we can think of Jarod, but no matter whatthe timing we always die." She whispered, and he held her as she sobbed.
"We have died a thousand times. Yet we always get it wrong, andwe just keep trying. I don't know if we were ever destined to live!" hewhispered hoarsely, and she raised her face to look at him.
"Then why do we keep returning to that one point in time, that Nexuswhere everything centre's?" she asked, and Jarod suddenly realised thetruth.
"We've been trying to change the timing, trying to change the action,but it's not about that! It's a matter of."
The Nexus.
Miss Parker dashed out from the cover of the building's foyer, her handreaching to yank out her gun, but she paused. As she watched Jarodhalted as well, turning to stare at her, his eyes filled with emotion. Slowly they walked towards each other, hands outstretched as they meantand embraced, holding each other tightly.
"It wasn't about time. It wasn't about actions. It all cameback to this point, the place where we realise we need each other. It's this moment, right now, but we always denied it, thus always got itwrong." She whispered in his ear, recognising that in each of their existencesthe moment they realised their love had been ignored.
"We got it right this time, I can feel it. I love you Maya." Jarodwhispered back, holding her so tightly he never wanted to let her go.
"I love you too Jarod." And slowly they walked away together, knowingthat the future they had always needed had arrived.