Disclaimer: The characters Miss Parker, Sydney, Jarod,Broots etc. and the fictional Centre, are all property of MTM and NBC Productionsand used without permission. I'm not making any money out of this and noinfringement is intended.

The song  ‘Skin To Skin’ is used without permissionand belongs :Words and Music by Jake Holmes and Godfrey Nelson Publisher:Nickbell Music, Godfrey Music.

Again and as always Patricia D, thank you so much foryour great work on this story!!!
English is still not my first language and the mistakesyou find inside of the story are mine!!!!

Skin To Skin
by Nicolette

I can not stop smiling down at you. I could stay like this for the restof my life...no...even longer than that. In moments like these, in theafterglow of our passion, I feel whole and alive.

The smell of your soft skin, your hands caressing my back. I try tofocus my thoughts. I know you would get angry but all I want to do is protectyou, to keep you safe.

Carefully I lift my body and with my arms around you, turn taking youwith me. I try to curl around you, I do not want to let you go...never.

I have dreamed of you as long as I can remember. My half closed eyesare focused on your breathing, you are so close and the faint smell ofyour favourite perfume ...

I can recall the first time I smelled it, you had come down to my room.I was confused and asked why you use it. I could have also asked why youbreath. Your mothers perfume...you always let me share your discoveriesuntil... yes, until the day a bullet changed everything. You continuedto come down but not so often and your smile never reached your eyes again.

The last time we were together was the day when Faith died. Even yearslater I could still feel your tears soaking my sweat shirt.

After that there was a wall between us. I saw you over the years fromtime to time. You changed for everyone, but not for me. I still could seethe little girl, the uncried tears in your eyes. I saw you hurting people,hurting them before they could hurt you, scaring them away.

I have always loved you. My feelings have never changed. I often hearthat friendship changes to love.  This is not always right. The friendshipand this kind of love never changed. The love of a man for a woman neverreplaced the love for my best friend, it came as an addition. It was theremy whole adult life, even when it took me some time to realize it.

I can feel you slipping out of my arms. I miss you. My body followsyou on it's own, covering the warm spot you have left.

With my eyes still closed I can feel you watching me. What are you thinkingwhile you watch?

You did it again, before I can react the blanket is gone, I love towatch you when you think I am sleeping. It takes all my willpower not tomove over and rip this blanket from you. You watch with a lazy gaze overmy body...making the hairs on my neck stand up, a fine line and my bodywill give me away.

What is the saying? A penny for your thoughts? I would give a billionfor them now. Seeing you there, only a few inches away is still like adream. If any one would have told me this little more than 2 weeks ago,I would have checked his state of mind carefully. Not that I have not dreamedof it, but you...

There is this song, I heard it that night, it was after one of our usualgames. As always I watched you show up to late, finding what I had leftfor you. I could not understand your words, but from your body languageyou were furious. Has anyone told you how beautiful you are when you areangry?

I was sitting in a rental car, enjoying the view and the local stationstarted to play this song.

A deep male voice came up

She does not lazy dance
Her hands on me
She does not talk, no pretty talk
She pleasures silently
But with her, I am summer
I warm easy to her heat
She fill me full, she fill me full
She make me complete

I could not move, I was captured, the song on one side and you on theother.

A low chorus took over

Skin to skin
Skin to skin
No cold wind blow on me
No cold wind blow on me

The final blow was the husky female voice that followed, a voice I couldpicture you with.

Skin to skin
Skin to skin
The light, it shine on me
The light it shine on me

He is a secret soldier
With pieces inside broke
He hides in his own darkness
His fire has no smoke
And, when my body songs begin
When he holds me tight
He chases all my shadows
And I burn so bright

That was the moment I decided to bring it to an end one or another way.I am not sure what I really thought when I came into your hotel room thatnight. I wanted to talk with you, tell you what I felt. The way I playedit over and over in my mind... I tried to find out what would happenedbut I could not sim this.... I am not sure what Sydney would have thought.

Every coherent thought went from me when I saw you stepping out of thebathroom, a ice blue silk bathrobe, rubbing your hair dry with a towel.

As often as I try to remember what followed, I can't. The next thingI remember is kissing you.

I am still not sure what I had expected, maybe nothing... but certainlynot the passion you returned the kiss with. What surprises me the mostis that we made it to the bed and I am glad we did. I wanted to touch you,to feel every inch of you, the feeling of your soft skin under my handsand the smell of the perfume. The weight of your breast in my hand as Icarefully stroked the hard nipple with my thumb. The low sound, deep inyour throat nearly drove me crazy.  I would had done anything justto hear that again. Sliding my lips down your throat to your other breast,flicking my tongue around the other peak, taking it into my mouth suckinggently... biting lightly. I could feel you were ready, as ready as I was. Lifting my head to look into your eyes...

The emotionless look had completely disappeared... stormy blue eyesfull of passion and... fear... my God I could not believe it. You shouldknow that I would never intentionally hurt you... why...and then I realized.I knew you were not a virgin anymore but you were not as experienced asyou tried to appear.

As careful as I could, I slid inside you.  Your low hiss was likea knife into my heart and my mind had to battle with my body. You feltso good, so warm and tight....it took all my strength not to ravish youlike a teenager.

The words I whispered into you ear were not only for you, they werealso for me to keep my focus.  I want you to feel nothing but pleasure.All the years were gone, we were again together, soul to soul, skin toskin... the song was so right, you make me feel complete

I could feel you relax and start to move, with every move I saw morepassion in your eyes, the colour changing...your eyes like a stormy ocean,I could feel your body tensing, pure pleasure this time.

When your body exploded in an orgasm, the hard rhythmical pressure onmy penis was more than I could take, my own release was as intense as yours...

All I could do afterwards was to hold you, to caress you, I was notable to keep my hands from you. I could not hold back, I had to tell youhow much I love you. I whispered the words into you ear, not sure if youwanted to hear them...if you were ready to let them into your heart.

Now we are here. You are lost in your thoughts stroking yourself. Youcaught me watching and I see a light red blush creeping up your cheeks.You are blushing. After all we have shared, you are still able to blush.You are still my sweet little innocent girl and you will stay this wayforever.

I am completely aroused by your actions.  I want to touch you myself,but at the same time I just want to watch the erotic scene in front ofme. One of the most arousing sight I ever had.  I let my eyes travelup your body to look in your eyes, the complete trust and love I see theretakes my breath away. If I ever had any doubts in your love for me, theyare gone the moment you change your position. Propping yourself on a pillowyou spread your legs further a silent invitation to watch, to share whatyou feel.

I dare to move closer, hesitant first but assured by your barely audiblewords. Kneeling between your thighs, I can feel the warmth of your body.Confident now I place my hand on your knees, keeping your legs apart, roomfor your hand and my gaze.

The sight of your swollen nub glistering with your juices makes my headspin. Your whole body is covered with the last golden rays of the low afternoonsun. My mouth is dry, I need to moisten my lips like you did seconds before,if I can get my body to function. With shaking hands I can only watch you,I am so close from watching you.  I can feel the pressure buildingand I am sure I will come soon.

The moment you start to come, your body tensing, your hips thrustinginto my direction I simply lose it. In an intense orgasm I spill my seedover your body, the first drops are already running down your stomach,but I am still coming.

A endless moment in time, completely out of the normal sense of time...secondsor forever...all the same in this short moment.

Finally I feel your body relaxing and I stare down at you. A light redblush on your body covered with my milky fluids.

I need to thank you, to thank you for giving yourself to me, for openingup completely, not holding back anything. To thank you for sharing thepassion in this intense way with me.

All I want is to give this back to you. Your eyes are closed. SlowlyI lean closer, flicking out my tongue licking at the first drops of theliquid from my body. Your eyes fly open and you nearly jump under my touch.

I can not stop. I want to catch every drop, licking and sucking slowlyfrom your shoulder, down your body. The incredible taste of myself mixedwith the taste of your body is unbelievable. I feel my penis grow hardagain. From your sounds and reactions, I see your are as ready to makelove again as I am. Not possible but true. We should both be sleeping now,completely spent after the passion of this day.

I should know better. Since that morning after the night in the hotel,when I finally convinced you to come with me, we both have barely beenable to keep our hands from each other. 14 days in a blur. The days fullof joy and the nights full of passion and the whole time filled with love.

No matter how old I get I will never forget the way you look at thismoment. Reaching the soft skin on your belly I dart my tongue into yourbelly button. Your hands squeeze my shoulders and the deep moan from youmakes me smile. I know exactly how your feel now because I feel the same.The incredible power I have over you, knowing you have the same power overme brings my passion and love to another level.

I slide down further, between your legs till my mouth is at the samelevel as your clit. I know you are close to coming again, but I want tobe inside of you this time so I just place a light kiss on the dark flesh. And the response of your body tells me how right I am.

The pure joy of our love making leaves me light headed, like I wouldglow all over...

I look up into your eyes while I slide slowly inside your body. I savourthe sensation that runs through my body, your are so wet and warm, so welcome.I feel like coming home. After I am fully inside you I can not hold back,I need to tell you. If I do not I will burst into million pieces.

"I love you"

Soon after I have said those words I see tears starting to roll downyour cheeks, you are crying.

"Please, don't cry. I never want to see tears in your eyes again."

Than your say it. "I love you so much Jarod, more than I will ever beable to say." You do not have to tell me, but I can not describe the feelingof hearing those words from you.

"I know." Is all I say. It is enough for the moment, we have a lifetimefor more words.

Slowly I start to move, nearly all the way out and than completely backin. Raising the passion more with every stroke, a fiery sensation runningthrough my veins.

I am not sure how long it takes us to climax together, but it is sointense that I have a hard time breathing. I have felt never so completein my whole life. I am not able to steady my weight and I lay on top ofyou, crushing you.  I want to take my weight from you but you pleadwith me to stay.

There is no place I want to be more than inside of you.

"I am all yours!" I answer. "Body and soul."

"So I am." Your answer is like a comforting blanket to my soul. Whiledrifting into sleep the lyric of the song come back to me.

Winter inside of me
Ice to fight the storm
She cannot see
What I hide in me
I can't be strong
Beside her warm

Skin to skin (she's too close)
Skin to skin (much too close)
No cold wind blow on me (she's got a hold on me)
No cold wind blow on me (she's got a hold on me)

Skin to skin (she touches soft)
Skin to skin (ah, much too soft)
The light, it shines on me (her fire is burning me)
The light, it shines on me (her fire is burning me)

Skin to skin (she's too close)
Skin to skin (much too close)
No cold wind blow on me (she's got a hold on me)
No cold wind blow on me (she's got a hold on me)
Skin to skin (she touches soft)
Skin to skin (ah, much too soft)

My last thought is that the song is wrong on one point only... she nevercan be close enough.


Feedback at Lerche.68@t-online.de