Trapped and Nowhere to Run
By: G. Barton

Dallas, Texas

Miss Parker is chasing Jarod down the road and into an alley.
She comes into an abandoned building. Her phone rings.

"What!" she answered.

"Where are you, Miss Parker? We lost you in the chase."
Sydney replied on the other end.

"I'm down by the warehouse." and before she could finish
her phone went dead. "Great!" she replied as she hung up
the phone and stuck it back in her pocket.

Sydney yells "Miss Parker, I can't hear you." Then he
realized they were disconnected.

He turns to Broots, "We have to find her. I have a feeling
she is in trouble."

They start searching the area. Parker sees Jarod run in a
building. "Ah, I have you now." she responded.

She enters the building with her gun ready. He runs toward
the back and she fires a shot. Jarod stops dead in his

"Where do you think you are going?" she replied.

Jarod turns around with his hands in the air. "You won't
shoot me."

"You wanna make a bet. Try me."

Then three sweepers guys enter the building. They have their
guns pulled and pointed at both of them. She doesn't
recognize them but knows they are Centre employees.

"It looks like we are going home, Jarod." Parker replied.
Then she turns to the sweepers, "I have it under control.
You bring the car around."

"You don't understand, Miss Parker. It's not Jarod we are
after." one of the guys tell her.

Parker looking confused, replied, "What?"

Then another guy starts shooting. She runs toward a crate
and gets behind it as the bullets are flying by her.

Jarod ducks behind the same crate and says, "It looks like
you will have to trust me now if you want to live."

"I can take care of myself." she replied while firing some
shots toward them.

"Okay, see you around." he said as he takes off.

"Wait, where are you going?" she replied.

"I'm leaving. It is not me they are after."

"Don't leave me."

"I thought you could take care of yourself."

"I can but I need some help to get out of this building."

Jarod thinks for a minute. "Come on. Follow me." he says.
He would feel bad if something was to happen to her.

They run toward the back of the building. The sweeper guys
are not far behind them.

"Miss Parker, save yourself from being killed and come out."

She looks at Jarod and says, "Now where do we go, genius?"

Jarod takes her up some stairs and around the top of the
building. They turn the corner and run into a sweeper.

"Hand over your gun."

"I don't think so."

He fired a shot into the air. Then pointed the gun at her.
She looked at him and laid her gun on the floor.

Another guy walked up and they took Jarod and Miss Parker to
little room.

"Get in." the guy says as he opened the door.

"You can't leave us here." Parker smarted off.

"Yes, I can. I am just following orders."

"I want to talk to my father." she yells as he shut the door.

"Your father is probably behind it." Jarod replied just as
the door closed.

"Shut up Jarod!" she says as she paced the floor. "I need a
cigarette." she pulls out her sliver case.

"That's bad for you."

"Oh, what do you care?"

"Tell me how does it feel to be the prey for a change."

"You wouldn't be the prey if you stayed where you belonged."

Over the next few minutes there was not a sound. Parker sits
down on the cold, damp floor and watches Jarod pace.

He hits the wall with his fist. "I have to get out of here."

Parker could see he was feeling trapped. She gets up and
walks over to him. "It will be okay." she says as she puts
her arm around him. He calms down when he looks into her
eyes. She doesn't seem to have any fear in those cold, dark
eyes. He sits down and looks around. He is hoping for away

Parker is getting tired so she sits down on the other side of
the room. Jarod gets up to find some thing that he can use
in the room

"Here." he says as he hands her some bubble wrap.

"What's this for?" she asked.

"Bubble wrap. I thought you could use it as a pillow."

She takes it and balls it up. Then slips it under her head.
She starts to fall asleep. Jarod watches her closely. She is
shaking from the sitting on the damp, cold floor. He takes
off his jacket and walks over to her. He lays it
down on her. She is startled.

"It's okay. Take my jacket. It will keep you warm."

She covers up with his jacket. Jarod sits down beside her. He
puts his arm around her and she falls asleep.


Sydney tries to call her phone again. He gets a message that
says, "I'm sorry the cellular number you are reaching is not
available for use."

"I am really woried now. It has been several hours since we
heard from her. We have to find her, Broots."

Broots says, "I will be back." He leaves to find a map of the
city. He hopes to find the area where she was last spotted.


Miss Parker wakes up on the floor with Jarod beside her. She
has her head on his chest and his arms around her. She jumps
up and quickly moves to the other side of the room. Jarod
wakes up.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." she answered. She had to get away from him. She
was feeling attracted to him and that wasn't good. She lights
a cigarette.

Jarod gets up and walks over to her. She backs up every step
he takes toward her. She is now back against the wall and
Jarod is in front of her. He takes the cigarette out of her
mouth and puts it out.

"What are you affraid of?" he asked her softly.

He wanted to touch her, feel her next to him. She smelled
really good.

She tries to walk away. He grabs her and whispers in her ear,
"I will let you have total control." Then kissed her on the

She looks into his brown eyes and their lips meet. She jerks
away and walked off. He grabs her again and kissed her lips
hard. She wraps her arms around him and he picks her up. With
her legs wrapped around his waist he backed up against the
wall. She kissed him down his neck and back up to his mouth.
He moved slowly down to the floor. She penned him down. Then
unbuttoned his shirt and kissed him with every button that
she undone. She got to his jeans and slowly unzipped them. He
took a deep breath and she smiled. She moved back to his
chest with her lips. He rolled her over and slipped his hands
up her skirt. He touched her and she closed her eyes. He
kissed her eye lids with his soft and gentle lips. Then her
bottom lip before his tongue entered her mouth. He slipped
her skirt off and started unbuttoning her blouse. He tickled
her breast with his tongue. She let out a soft moan and he
slipped on to her body. With his hand in hers, she squeezed
him tight. Their bodies and souls became one. He had beads
of sweet dropping down on her as they rolled around on that
damp and cool floor. After a while they fell asleep


Broots comes back. "What did you find?" Sydney asked

"I have a map of the down town area. Here is where the old
warehouse are." he said as he pointed in an area.

"Good job, Broots. Now we have to find the right one before
it is to late."

They headed out the door. They drove around until they got to
some bulidings. "Over there, Broots. We can start there."
Sydney replied as he pointed toward the West End Market

They got out and showed her picture to everyone that went by.


Parker's head was laying on Jarod's stomach when he woke her

"Someone is coming." he replied softly.

They got up and quickly got dressed. "Stand over there." he
tells her.

Three sweepers guys open the door and walk in. Jarod hits one
over the head and Parker kicks the other two down in the
floor. She stands over one and says, "Who gave you the

He didn't say a word. Parker hits him in the stomach and
repeats the question. He still doesn't answer. Jarod walks up
and hands her a gun.

"Maybe this will help him remember."

She points the gun to his head and cocks it back. He quickly
says, "Mr. Raines."

"Now that wasn't hard. Was it?" she answered him. She hit him
with the butt of the gun. Jarod and Parker walk out the room
into the warehouse.

She hears Sydney and Broots yelling, "Miss Parker!"

She turns to Jarod, "You better get out of here."

He takes off and turn around to look at her one more time.
She is standing there watching him and says, "Go!"

She watches him run until she can't see him anymore. Sydney
and Broots run up to her. "Are you okay?"

"What took you so long?" she asked.

"We had to find the place. Your phone went dead before I
could find out where you were." Sydney answered.

Broots replied, "Did you find Jarod?"

"No, just some sweepers guys that were trying to kill me."

They walked out and left the sweepers in the building. Mr
Raines walks up pulling his oxygen tank. Parker looks him in
the eye and says, "Surprised to see me! Your guys are in the
room that they had me locked in." Then she turns away and
gets in the car.

Blue Cove, Delaware

Parker goes home and soaks in a hot bubble bath. When she
gets out she goes to her bedroom. She is laying on the bed
thinking about Jarod. She can't sleep. The phone rings.

"What!" she answered.

"I just wanted to make sure you got home okay." Jarod

"Yeah, I made it okay. And you, I take it you got away
without being seen."

"Yeah, I got away. I just wanted to thank you for calming me
down in that room. I don't like small closed areas."

"You are welcome and Jarod."


"Thank you for last night."

"You're welcome. I better let you get some sleep."

"Jarod." she says once again before he hangs up.

"What?" he answered.

"I love you." she said softly.

"I love you too." he answered her back. Then he hung up the
phone. He sat on the couch and stared at a picture of her. He
touched the picture with his hand and held it close to him.
Then fell asleep.

After hanging up the phone Parker grabs a pillow and hugs it
tight. She stares at the ceiling and falls asleep thinking
about Jarod.