Trust Me
By: G. Barton

Disclaimer: I don't own them. They belong to Steven and Craig. I just get to play with them.

Note: As bad I hate to but I have to I dedicate this story to my EX. Damn men! Oh well....I hope you like the story.

Parker sat outside Jarod's current lair. She couldn't believe it was this easy to find him but then again she always knew she could. She kept a closer eye on him than she had let on. It was so easy this time. She had Broots do the hard work then she sent him home to be with his daughter.

'Easy. Just like taking candy from a baby.' She thought. "I have him now." She watched him enter the house.

She waited a few minutes before making her way toward the house. This time she was going to sneak in just like he had in her house so many times before.

Opening the door, she heard the shower going. "Ah." A small moan left her wet lips as she licked them. She entered his bedroom, looking around she saw the small picture he had framed of his mother. A soft laugh escaped her mouth as she thought about her her mother's picture sitting on her desk back at work.

She heard the water stop and she decided to make her move. She kicked off her high heel shoes and waited for him on the bed.

Jarod opened the bathroom door, holding onto the blue towel around his waist. He looked up as he ran his fingers through his wet hair with the other hand. He saw her leaning on the bed with her legs crossed. His bed. He froze.

"Miss did you find me?" He looked scared.

"Jarod." A wicked smile formed on her lips. "It wasn't that hard." She stood up.

"What are you doing here?" He still wasn't sure if he should move.

Parker walked to him. Her eyes scanning over his wet, muscular chest, then down to the blue towel. He had a death grip on it.

"I thought I would pay you a visit." The smile never let her face. She loved seeing him this way. Scared.


"Shh." Her fingertips touched his soft lips. "What's wrong don't you *trust* me?" She paced around him like the hunter that caught the prey. "Trust. You remember that word, don't you....Jarod? You tell me that *all* the time." She stopped pacing when she got behind him. She looked at the drops of water dripping from his hair and rolling down his back. She couldn't help herself, she had to touch him. Her left hand went up his back and over his shoulder. She took her index finger and ran it down his arm. She watched him flinch at her touch. She then moved in front of him. She moved her gun from it's holster and showed it to him before ejecting the clip and laying the gun on the night stand next to the bed. Then she turned and laid the clip on the dresser on the opposite side of the room.

"Tell me what you want?" His voice was soft.

"I want you." She laughed.

He seemed surprised at her words. He wasn't sure how she wanted him.

"What's wrong, Jarod....scared of what I might do to you?" Her eyes stayed focus on his.

"Are you alone?" He asked as his head tilted toward the window.

"Yes. Do you think I would be stupid enough to bring a sweeper team?"

"One never can tell."

Parker leaned in toward him and brushed his lips with hers. Jarod still didn't move.

"What's wrong Jarod....scared?" Her breath was warm against his neck.

"No." He answered nervously.

"It sounds like it to me." She pulled away to face him.

"What do you really want, Miss Parker?" He asked again, hoping for a different answer than the one he got earlier.

Parker stared into those baby brown eyes. "I told you....I want you." Her voice was smooth and calm. She didn't really want to tell him she was under a lot of stress and he was her stress relief. She smiled again as she ran her right hand down his chest. She stopped at the edge of his towel.

"What do you say, Jarod?" One eye brow raised slightly. Her hand ran over the front of his towel. He couldn't believe what he was about to do but his hand couldn't take it any long. He dropped the towel and relieved his goods.

He pulled Parker into his arms as he picked up her. He took a few steps toward the bed and sat her down. His body pushed hers down as he kissed her. Their tongues fought for the kiss.

He broke loose from the hold, to kiss her neck. His hand went through her dark hair then down her neck to her shoulder. He pushed her shirt collar back with his face as he kissed her neck again. Parker wrapped her arms around him keeping him close.

His hand then ran over her breast as he continued to kiss her. She pulled his face back and cupped it into her hands as she focused on his eyes. She missed those brown eyes. Jarod glanced down to her chest. Then back to her eyes before taking his hand and unbuttoning her shirt. His fingers touched her small breast as his tongue licked her bare ivory skin.

When he got her bra unfastened, he kissed the valley between her breast. Then moved on to center of one breast as he took her nipple into his mouth. With the other hand he played with her other breast. He met her eyes again as she pulled his lips to hers.

As she ran her tongue along his jaw line and down his neck, he took the nipple between his index finger and thumb and squeezed it. She kissed his neck as he kissed the top of her breast again.

Her body moved up as he tugged her shirt off giving him full access to her bare breast. His hands moved to the back of her body and unzipped her skirt. His lips moved down her abdomen as he removed her skirt, taking her black panties with it.

She spread her legs giving him access to the wetness, that was longing for him. He brushed over her hair and down before taking her in pure pleasure. She could feel his hardness hit her as he teased her some more. She let a moan escape as he entered her, giving into the feeling they both fought for some time.

She meet his every thrust as he teased her with his fingertips running back and forth over her wet clit. She moaned, "Faster," as she wrapped her legs around him. She flipped him over and rode him like a bucking bull. She looked down into his eyes as an evil grin crossed her face. She pulled out of him leaving only his tip inside of her before she pushed her body all the way down into his. He groaned as she pushed harder and harder leaving him breathless.

He took her hips with his hands, trying to hold her steady, but she moved to quickly for him. His hands then pulled her down into his arms. He kissed her again, washing his mouth with the taste of her. She pulled up and balanced herself on the bed with one hand as she took the other one and grabbed him right behind the balls. He let out a scream as he moved faster and faster.

After they both reached the full ecstasy they had been longing for, she fell down onto his body. Jarod pushed her wet hair back from her forehead and gave her one last kiss. She laid her head down onto his chest and played with one of his nipples.

Neither of them spoke. They weren't really sure what to say after experiencing each other. Parker glanced up into his eyes as his stayed focused on her. She raised up from him and moved beside him. She pulled the sheet up over her naked body as she curled up in a fetal position. Jarod curled up beside her, holding her in his arms.

Parker waited until he fell asleep and climbed out of his bed. She gathered her things and left before he woke. She glanced back at him as he slept. "I'm sorry." She whispered as she placed her gun back in its holster. She got in her car and drove off.

Part 2