By: RaChelland G. Barton

Summary: Time is running out for Miss Parker

She sat alone in her dark living room with a drink in her hand, watching the moon cast eerie shadows on the floor. Her thoughts were far away as she waited. The front door opened and a man's figure slipped inside.

"What do you want that is so important I need to meet you alone late at night?" She snapped.

"I need to talk to you, that's all."

"We don't have anything to talk about Lyle."

"Yes we do." He glanced out the window to make sure they were unobserved. "Ever since you 'developed' that sixth sense...inner sense...whatever you want to call it Parker, I've been able to...empath for lack of a better word...your feelings. Not something I really want to experience." He moved towards her and poured himself a drink.

"What do you mean by empath my feelings?" She asked.

"I just..." He seem to search for the right words before he continued. "I don't know how to explain it but I seem to know when you're angry, happy, sad even when I'm not around you. Maybe it's because we're twins, I don't know but there is a connection. I can feel some of your thoughts and emotions and I don't like it. And right now..." He laughed. "You're feeling maternal."

"I'm feeling what!" She glared.

"Maternal. You want a baby." He smiled. "Am I right?"

True, she had been feeling her biological clock was ticking and she resented being tied to a life that allowed her none of her own.

"Am I right?" Lyle repeated his question.

"And if you are right, why would you care?" She slowly answered back.

"You're my sister and I want to see you happy. Not for your sake but for mine. You're beginning to depress me."

"And I suppose you have a solution Lyle?"

"Well, there are only two men you have ever loved and one of them is dead. The other one can be anything he wants to be but he doesn't know who he is. I can't help you with Thomas but I can get into Nugensis. I know certain doctors and..."

"What makes you think I want to have Jarod's baby?" She hissed.

"Because you love him. He loves you. He may be a genius, however, by the time he figures out he loves you, you'll both be dead. You and Sydney are the only people that he has let get close since he's escaped. You could have brought him in several times but you don't want him back at the Centre." His smile faded. "And before you ask what's in it for me, I don't want anything. Of course knowing something that Jarod doesn't know does have it's advantages and there may be a time when I can use that. I have problems with my own feelings Parker without having to deal with yours."

Miss Parker stared at Lyle for a minute. "And if I say yes?"

"You have my promise, your child won't be part of the Centre's twisted experiments like we were." He held out his hand. "Deal?"

Part 2