Miss Parker walked to the door of the nursery and lightly pushed it open to check on her new born son. Her breath caught in her throat as she watched a man stand next to the crib and cradle the small babe in his arms.

"You could have knocked Jarod."

"Miss Parker! How are you?" He asked surprised.

"I'm fine. I see you've met Tommy." She nodded her head and walked towards the pair.

"Yes, I heard you named him after Thomas. He's so small." Jarod smiled. "His little fingers and toes...he's so ..."

"Perfect." She finished for him with a smile. "He's perfect just like his father."

Jarod's smile faded as he handed the child to her and asked. "And his father? Does he know about the child?"

"I think so." She answered.

She carefully laid the child down in his crib and followed Jarod into the next room.


Jarod sat on the floor playing with Tommy. As hard as he tried to stay away, he felt himself drawn to the child. He glanced at Miss Parker sitting in a chair reading. Being a mother had mellowed her. She was still the same Miss Parker at the Centre but at home with Tommy she was a different person. She never objected to Jarod's un-announced visits. She never threatened him or had a sweeper team waiting for him, yet he kept his guard up.

"Has Tommy started to walk yet?" He asked.

"Not yet, but all the books say he should soon." She looked up from her reading and winked. "Sometimes I think he does when I'm not looking."

Tommy crawled to the coffee table, grabbed the edge and pulled himself up. He took a few wobbly steps as they watched.

"That's momma's boy! Very good." Miss Parker cried as she watched Tommy take another step before falling.

"Good boy Tommy!" Jarod laughed and clapped before his smile faded. Tommy's dad should be there for his first step, not a stranger, Jarod felt. "His father should be here for things like these. This isn't right." He was serious as the mood changed. "Does he even know his father Parker?"

"Yes Jarod, he does!" She snapped.

"I'm sorry it's just that I never seen anyone here." He held Tommy into his lap.

Part 4