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Jason's Bio & other Info

Bio Info

Name: Jason Richard Minor
Birthdate: June 17, 1977
Birthplace: Silver Spring MD
Hometown: Glenn Dale MD
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond

Personal Info:

Parents: Richard & Eleanor
Siblings: 2 sisters; Kristen & Embrey


Actors: Julia Roberts & Dustin Hoffman
Performers: Michael Jackson
Color: Purple
Car: 62 Corvette
Movie: Robin Hood
City: LA
Vacation: the beach- sun, sand, & surf
Food: steak & shrimp
Drink: Coke
Fast Food: Popeye's
Snack: Popcorn
Author: C.S. Lewis
Book: The Lion, The Witch, & The Wardrobe
Play: Starlight Express
Historical Figure: Abe Lincoln because of his self motivation
Historical Era: Civil War because I find it interesting
Sport: Football
Subject in school: History
Sports Team: Washington Redskins
Hobbies: singing, song writing, sports

Fun Facts:

~Jason started acting at age 6 in a Bill Cosby Jello Commercial
~He toured across the US in The Sound of Music and Gypsy
~His most prized possession is his baseball card collection. Him & his dad even have a Mickey Mantle rookie card


"You create your own opportunities- but you must always be prepared for whatever life may bring"