***Chester Drescher***

He will be truly missed.

(1981 - December 26, 2001)

A member of our Nanny family passed away recently and I know I'm not the only one that will miss this adorable bundle of fur. Even when he was acting, (Choosing Fran over CC) or sitting there looking cute in one of his many outfits, there always seemed to be a twinkle in his eye like he wasn't taking this all seriously. He seemed the happiest in his mom's arms and it seems particularly poignant that that was where he was until the end.
Our hearts are with you Ms. Drescher.

Here is Chester making his entrance in the episode, 'Sunday in the Park with Fran.'
Ever the professional, sometimes there's an itch an actor just can't ignore!

The Nanny Appearances: Title/Episode #

The Nuschlep 1.4

Sunday in the Park with Fran 1.18

Ode to Barbara Joan 1.20

When You Pish Upon a Star 2.11

Lambchop's on the Menu 2.20

That's Midlife 3.22

The Taxman Cometh 4.7

Fransom 5.4

The Baby Shower 6.20

The Finale 6.22

Movie Appearance

Cadillac Man (1989)

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