The Nanny's First Interview!

A transcript of The Nanny's first interview. It aired November 2, 1993 on CBS This Morning.

It is ten minutes before the hour, with all this talk about babies around here, there are some talk about nannies as well, but what most people have in mind is a far cry from what Mark found when he visited the set of a CBS series called… The Nanny.


Clips from The Pilot episode.

Maxwell Sheffield: “Miss Fine, you seemed to have listed the Queen Mother as a reference.”
Fran Fine: “What, let me see that. Oh no, that’s not the Queen Mother,
that’s my mother from Queens.”


Blue collar meets blue blood when Charles Shaughnessy hires Fran Drescher as the nanny.


Clip –

Fran: “Oh boy, do you have gorgeous chachkas”
Maxwell: “I beg your pardon?”


Mark: Why would this cultured gentleman allow this nanny into his life?

Charles Shaughnessy: It’s all a hideous mistake! And um… what happened was, it was, it was a mistake. She caught him at a bad time. He had been let down by a couple of nannies and by a series of misunderstandings and uh, corners that he found himself painted in, he decided, ‘Okay, okay, okay…nanny on a trial basis,’ and she’s been here ever since.


Clip – ‘Hey, hey the lady in red’

Maxwell: Look at that dress!
CC: Maxwell!


Mark: It seems to me from the shows that I’ve seen,
sexy and sassy are the characters that you play?

Fran: Honey that’s me! (laughs)

Mark: Is that you? (Joins in her laughter)

Fran: Well, you know… for years I’ve played the hooker with the heart of gold. And now I’m playing the nanny. But all my characters tend to have a little, kind of, tartness to them.


Clip –

Fran Fine: Booze yes, but food they don’t know from.


Fran: She’s like this bright light that’s full of heart and love and makes everybody, you know, feel warm and koutzie(sp?) all over. And their lives are never the same again.

Mark: Feeling koutzie all over is a nice thing.

Fran: Hey, it’s not a bad thing.


Clip – Cut scene from 'The Nuchslep"

Maxwell: Miss Fine, I’m not having my children eating like actors.
Fran: Well, I’m just trying to expose them to other cultures.
We order Chinese food and they learn what Jewish people eat.
Maxwell: I was going to suggest the 21 Club.
Kids: (Groan) Noooo.


The Nanny was created by Fran and her husband, executive producer Peter Marc Jacobson. And tailored to her unique blend of talent. In fact, that’s what first attracted Peter to Fran, back when they were in high school and they’ve been together ever since.

Peter Marc Jacobson: I was in walking down the aisle in school and I saw this magnificently beautiful girl-
Fran Drescher: And I was standing right behind her. (laughs)
PMJ: And I just couldn’t believe how beautiful she was.
FD: He didn’t hear me talk yet.
PMJ: Exactly and then (Fran laughs), God, that’s such a funny combination to have a voice like that and look like that. And I thought, ‘She’s one of a kind.’


Clip – Cut scene from 'The Nuchslep' (Fran ordering Chinese)

Fran: We’re going to do the mu shu and uh… Oh! The cold Schezwan noodles.
Grace: Yuuuuck.
Fran: (To Grace) But it’s like spaghetti with peanut butter.
(To Maggie and Brighton) You have had peanut butter?


PMJ: I think anybody who has Fran as a friend is really lucky.
And she’s dedicated and uh… you know, I love her.
FD: Thank you, honey.
PMJ: And… and
FD: And, well… Peter is my best friend and I-
PMJ: We’ve said enough! (jokingly grins)

Clip – Cut scene of Fran on phone with Chinese restaurant

Grace: Fran, the man’s yelling.
Fran: Oy. (takes phone from Gracie) Are you still holding? Yeah, never mind.


PMJ: It’s been a dream come true for us.
FD: And for as long as long as it last,
you know, we’re gonna be happy and grateful.
PMJ: And back to unemployment if it doesn’t. (Fran laughs)

The Nanny premieres tomorrow night at 8:30 Eastern and Pacific Time.

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