CBS This Morning 1994

Transcript of an interview with Fran Drescher.

Ten minutes into the hour and we are back in Los Angeles with The Nanny Fran Drescher , who’s actually awake now. And there are her eyes! We found her eyes, it’s an amazing thing!

F: I know! (laughs) I know! I tell you, you guys have good energy and I can’t believe you do this everyday and so early!

We can’t either!

F: But do the people at home know that we’re on LA time which is 3 hours early. I mean it’s one thing to do the show from 7 to 9 usually, or in itself, you probably get up before the sun rises, but this, is uh… overkill!


Hey Fran, I have a question for you. We talked when The Nanny was just kicking off. We talked about this sideline business that you have with the croutons, (to his co-anchors) did they mention this to you? All of a sudden I go back home and this box comes with the best croutons in the world.

F: I’m going to send you some more. Loaf and Kisses.

Yeah, tell us about this.

F: Well, that’s um… my husband’s and my company. A few years ago there was a big writer’s strike and no actors could work. So we decided that we would go into a speculative food business. Why I don’t know, but somehow it has still survived. I took Women in Business courses. I always wanted to be in the food business. I thought I’d wait until I became famous, but somehow I did it backwards. And … uh, God bless them, you know. Now they’re being manufactured through Pioneer French Baking Company. So if they’re not sold in your neighborhood call them in Venice, California.

Why, why croutons?

F: Well, y’know, I’m a gourmet cook and I never found a crouton on the market that I thought was big enough, hard enough, or delicious enough for my soups and salads. So I finally just started making them at home. (One of the interviewers was laughing in delight at this remark.)

Infomercial time!

What do you cook as a gourmet cook? What are your favorite dishes?

F: Well, right now I have in the house a huge pot of delicious vegetarian vegetable… it’s not really vegetarian because I used the Pritikin chicken broth as my base. And that’s a delicious thing. That doesn’t sound very gourmet, (laughs), but I’m trying to lose all the weight that I gained from Italy before I come back to work. We like a lot of vegetables and Italian food I like to make really well.

So if your croutons are not big enough, not hard enough, not what…?

F: (chuckles) Crunchy enough. Not delicious enough. Get Loaf and Kisses.


F: Thank you!

On everything!

F: Thanks so much! I know, we’re so happy to be back. Last night was our first night of reruns and they said… (gets the high sign from someone behind the camera that she has to end the interview)…oh!…bye! (laughs)

(Interviewers laugh)

Do you get that on your own show? (Does the high sign - hand cutting under neck)

F: (Pretending indignation) No, I’m the star of my own show…
(The interviewers are cracking up) … (meekly) Thank you!

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