The Nanny Scripts

The following scripts are not formatted
to the proper script structure

Fran: Honey, did you find a good play to put in your theater yet?
Maxwell: You tell me: (TOSSES SCRIPT ASIDE) Here's a hip hop musical called "Booty and the Beast." (GRABS ANOTHER SCRIPT) And someone had the brilliant idea to write the musical version for the movie "Witness;" get this: "Amish Behavin'."

I've always been fascinated at how something that is written down on plain paper magically becomes what we see on our TV screen. This page is a tribute to the writers of The Nanny - and to thank them for such a great show.

Just in case anyone has ever come across the words transcript and script and wondered what the difference was between the two of them:
A transcript is a word for word translation of what happens on screen.
A script, on the other hand, is what the actors, directors, writers, and the crew, (basically everyone involved with shooting an episode), works from. It contains directions, descriptions, dialogue and usually stuff that didn't make it into the aired episode.

The purpose of this part of my site is to also share with you the magic of the written word. You can compare what you've read to how the actors take these words and make it their own. It definitely looks a lot easier when we see the finished product, but it took a lot of rehearsal and talent. Plus, I've always thought that it was cool to know what an episode was suppose to be like before it was filmed and thought others would be interested also. Some of these scripts are exactly what you see in the episode. But some aren't. I hope you'll enjoy reading them as much as I have!

 1.1      Pilot (Table Draft)     
 1.1      Pilot (Revised Final Draft)
 1.2      Smoke Gets in Your Lies (Rev. 1st Draft)
 1.3      My Fair Nanny (Rev. 1st Draft)
 1.4      The Nuchshlep (Table)
 1.5      Here Comes the Brood (2nd Draft)
 1.6      The Butler, The Husband, The Wife, and Her Mother (Rev. 1st Draft)
 1.7      Imaginary Friend (Final Draft)
 1.8      Christmas Episode (Final Draft)

Autographs from The Nanny cast and director, Dorothy Lyman.

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