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A real unassuming heartthrob, that's what we found in Billy Campbell today. Billy sat down with May as the rest of the women in the office re-applied lipstick and mascara for this dashing man.

Billy Campbell plays divorced dad, Rick Sammler on ABC's "Once and Again," opposite divorced mom, Sela Ward. He mentions Sela's name, like you would your own close friend, which reflects the chemistry they are able to emit on screen.

This show is magic. Billy credits the writers for that. They've captured an honesty that is rarely seen in adult programming on TV. And Campbell can keep check on the story's honesty; He knows the realities of divorce, as his own parents divorced when he was only 2 years old.

Billy Campbell calls himself a romantic. However, it seems he just did not want to share his most romantic stories with a national audience today. He says it's because the essence of romance is that it is intimate and private. How sweet. Can you blame Lucy, our puppet, for wiggling her way right up to him? Turned out to be a good move, because Billy asked her out for a burger or a cappuccino. Lucky dog. We'll have to follow up with her again later.

As for the rest of you adoring fans, no rings on Billy's fingers just yet, so there's still hope.

As to our inquiry into what we can expect in upcoming episodes --Campbell said he doesn't ask about future scripts, but he assures us the families will keep getting closer.

Billy told May; anything that is good to begin with gets better with age. Considering he's right, we should expect to keep enjoying "Once and Again," and Billy, for a long time to come.


- He's the heir to the "Champion" sparkplug fortune.
- He's a big fan of the new computer game "The Sims."
- He was dating his "Rocketeer" co-star, Jennifer Connelly, for five years. They've since broken