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TV Guide Marin Hinkle Chat Transcript, April 27, 2000

TV Guide Online: Joining us right now is Marin Hinkle, Judy from ABC's Once and Again. Thanks for coming to chat.

Hinkle: Thank you for having me! I'm honored that you are here.

Question: I really love the way that you and Sela get along on screen - you seem like real sisters. Do you get along that well off screen?

Hinkle: I adore Sela! She truly is inspiration in her real life and is kind of a mentor of sorts. We have a very easy going and I thing sensitive and supportive relationship. I really love working with her, both she and Billy are the nicest people. A great generous gift that Sela gives me is that she teaches me. She's been on a series before; I haven't. She's always offering me suggestions on how to balance life and work! On our relationship on screen. we're very combative it really isn't there in real life, I really have to pretend!

Question: What are your plans during the hiatus...will you be coming back to the Boston area for summer stock?

Hinkle: I'm back living in NY. As far as getting back, I already have started shooting a small role in an indie film, with the actor Chris Eigeman. And then last week, I shot an episode of Law & Order and I'm working on a play with a group in friends called Blue Window. The Law and Order was especially fun. I got to do scenes with all of them they were so funny and professional. I am a bookstore owner, which is what I am in Once and Again!

Question: Hi Marin! I enjoy you so much on the show. Congrats on renewal! If you could say, how would Judy spend these summer months?

Hinkle: That's a GREAT question. I haven't thought of that but I think there's part of Judy that's on the road of self discovery particularly with her unhappy relationship with the married Sam. So I think her dream job would be to go somewhere like Europe and have some crazy adventures. She's be wanting to meet people in pubs and see castles and old bookstores. She would want to get away from it all.

Question: Do you guys really shoot most of the scenes with just one take?

Hinkle: Because we're shooting so many pages in only eight days the takes are minimal, so it's usually between one and four, or five.

Question: Marin is a pretty name. Where did your Mom find that name?

Hinkle: It's actually a Norwegian name, a derivative of Mary. It's from my two grandmothers -- Margaret and Marian so the MAR from Margaret and the IN from Marian. That's how you pronounce my name, by the way with the hard A

Question: Marin, the literary references in the episodes are fantastic; do you know if the writers are planning to continue with those?

Hinkle: Hmm. I think so, nobody's ever said. But my guess is, if the audiences respond, they will continue.

Question: On the ABC board, we talk a lot about the inside jokes on the set like putting Peter Schlinder's name on the tutoring list. What is your favorite inside joke? Billy told us that he had put his girlfriend's name on that list too.

Hinkle: How funny! My favorite inside joke is that Winnie Holtzman, who's one of the major writers and producers (she wrote the last episode), she played the therapist for Patrick Dempsey's character. Here I was, sitting next to the woman who's my boss and she's so nervous about performing. She kept asking for another take. It was such a wonderful flip flop! Oh and Marshall Herskovitz, who's the major producer, Marshall played the doctor who told us the bad news about the our father dying. He's in charge and he actually had to audition for the role. Those kind of moments make it really feel like a family. They're not only writing, directing and producing, they're acting right next to you. I love that.

Question: I heard that Paul Mazursky, your "dad" petitioned the entire cast to stay on the show. Is this true?

Hinkle: I didn't hear that. But he keep on making jokes about a "twin" who would come back some long lost brother from Italy.

Question: Do you and your castmates ever visit the chat rooms/message boards? Lots of great speculating going on there!

Hinkle: I am horribly embarrassed to say that I don't own a computer I'm intrigued to find out what they say about on the boards and in the chat rooms, but I never get there. So if there's any questions you have to ask me, this is your chance! I'm strong, I can take it! (I think) :)

Question: We're you in the Broadway version of I'm Not Rappaport too?

Hinkle: I was not. But I did do a production of 1000 Clowns which was written by the same man, Herb Gardener. I have a funny story to share about I'm not Rappaport, I've really only been in only three big-budget films but I tend to always play characters that are not in this time. In Frequency, which comes out tomorrow, I play someone who gets killed twenty years ago!

Question: Do you ever read any of the book in the store set? What's the last good one your read?

Hinkle: I don't have time on the set to read the books in the bookstore. But I have had so many friends that have had babies that I'm skimming through the books in the children's sections. I love Make Way For Ducklings, all the Dr. Seuss, a lot of the Shel Silverstein.

Question: What would you like to have happen to your character next year?

Hinkle: Let's say that it might be fascinating to have Judy deal with some issues of pregnancy. That's NOT a hint, but Judy's yearning for children. She wants to have a family, she wants to gets married but she's involved with a married man. On the other side, what I would really love for her to have a happy and fulfilling relationship. One of my fears about Judy is that she tends to not have the good happen to her. I feel as though she deserves a bit more love in her life. She's seen her sister have so much joy.

TV Guide Online: Thanks for chating with us tonight, Marin.

Hinkle: I'd like to do anothter chat, and keep people posted with what's going on! Thanks again!