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Sibling Revelry

Marin Hinkle strikes a chord as Sela Ward's younger sis on Once and Again.

An hour before her 1998 Cape Cod wedding, Marin Hinkle slipped away from the festivities and took an impromptu dip in the ocean. When she exchanged vows with director-turned-lawyer Randall Sommer, her hair was still soggy. "There I was, wet hair and all," she recalls. "It was a wonderful bit of theater."

Hinkle, who has played luckless-in-love Judy Brooks on ABC's Once and Again for the past three years, has never been one to shy away from the spotlight. She scored her first acting gig at age 8 -- as a corpse in a Bost Ballet production of Medea. "I could feel the sense of magic," says Hinkle, 36, who went on to earn theater degrees from Brown and New York Universary. Television never figured in her career plans. "I grew up in a very academic family," she says. "No TV to speak of, really." The daughter of Massachusetts judge Margaret, 61 and Rodney, 66, a retired college dean, now divorced, who met in the Peace Corps, Hinkle was born in Tanzania, Africa, but gree up in Newton, Mass., with brother Mark, 34. "Marin's much sweeter than Judy," says Sela Ward, 45, who plays her sister on the recently canceled Once, which has its series finale this month. "We get together for lunch and shopping."

Hinkle and Sommer, 35, who live in L.A. met in 1992, when he directed her play in a play in New York City. She hopes a future production will be a baby -- even if she is a bit nervous about motherhood. "It's like jumping in the water," she says. "I need to take big dives." __ People Magazine (April 15, 2002)


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