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by Laurel Krahn

It's always sad when a good show leaves the airwaves, because if it truly was a good show and didn't stay on the air too long, you're left wanting more stories, you don't want to say goodbye to the characters.

The biggest compliment I can pay Once and Again is that I'm going to miss these people a whole lot. They aren't mere "characters" to me at this point, they're people with strengths and flaws and quirks and I know 'em all pretty well by now. I know it's a show, but the acting and writing were at times so good, I totally bought these folks as real. Yeah, sure, maybe they're a little better looking than the folks next door and perhaps there were some overly dramatic or coincidental moments, but I bought it all.

At least this show lasted a while. Longer than My So-Called Life and Relativity. Once and Again is being shut down too soon, that's clear, but we got three seasons and that's more than one usually gets of a certain kind of good show (I'm thinking of Cupid, Now and Again, Sports Night . . . ).

When this episode was written, they weren't entirely sure if it'd be the third season finale or the series finale, but some feared it'd be the series finale. Sounds like it is (though there are rumors that ABC may change their mind . . . I'll believe it when I see it. If only it were true!).

I'm gonna miss Rick and Lily. Grace and Zoe, Eli and Jessie. Judy (I love Judy) and Karen and Jake and Tiffany and so many others.

It's difficult to contemplate this finale because there are so very many storylines and people I care about and there's no way they'll all fit into a single hour. I want to see what happens with Jessie and her girlfriend, what'll happen to Eli and Grace and Zoe. How is Karen doing? Will Jake and Tiffany make a go of it? How's Aaron doing? And Lily, Judy, and Aaron's Mom? Will Lily's boss work things out with his daughter? Will Sam and Judy last as a couple? And how will Sam's ex and kid fit into that picture? Whatever happened to . . . oh alright, I could keep going for longer than you care to see, really.

The interesting thing is I didn't even mention Rick and Lily directly, did I? I remember hearing the premise for this show and thinking it was going to be all about Lily and Rick and wondering how they could find enough material for a whole season-- boy was I wrong. 'Cuz it's not all about them, it's about their families and friends and co-workers. It's about this big messy thing called life. With all it's awkward moments and fabulous moments and strange coincidences and heartbreak and laughter and tears and . . . dang, I'm gonna miss this show. It really became great. The spooky thing is, I think they've delivered some of their best episodes this season, lord knows what they could've done in a fourth season.

Series finale of Once and Again airs tonight at 9pm on ABC.__ (April 15, 2002)


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