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Passion is alive on network TV --
you just need to know where to find it

With all the mushy-gushy Valentine's episodes hitting us this past week, it's a perfect time to take stock in the most romantic couples of the 2000-01 season.


And chemistry is what this list is all about. Some of the best-scripted, most well cast shows out there fall flat when it comes to connections l'amour. But the fab five below sizzle enough to keep us hooked week after week.

1. Lily & Rick (Once and Again): There's no denying Sela Ward is an outstanding dramatic actress--heck, she's got an Emmy and a Golden Globe to prove it--but it's the unparalleled oomph between her and Billy Campbell that makes Once and Again a gem. These two are able to create mesmerizing scenes without melodramatic ratings gimmicks--no one dies, goes crazy or gets impregnated by a stepson. And that's why, in my book, they're the reigning king and queen of boob-tube romance.

(rest of article "snipped")__E!Online (February 16, 2001)