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From Robert Bianco in USA Today:
ABC's Once and Again (10 p.m. ET/PT) begins its run in its new Wednesday slot with an episode that returns the focus to Rick and Lily. When Lily tells Rick she may be pregnant, she's dismayed by his reaction — a disappointment reflected in Grace's discovery that "sometimes, people aren't who you need them to be at a certain moment." While it's not one of the show's strongest episodes, it has great moments and a great ending.

From David Bianculli in the New York Daily News:
10:00 (ABC) "Once and Again." This series moves to Wednesdays with a plot twist deserving of note: Lily (Sela Ward) suspects she may be pregnant.

From Mike Duffy in the Detroit Free Press:
"Once and Again" (10 p.m., WXYZ-TV, Channel 7, ABC). Holy maternity crisis! Lily Manning (Sela Ward) worries she might be pregnant as "Once and Again" moves to Wednesday nights. But, while Lily's all wrapped up in her own problems, teen daughter Grace (Julia Whelan) is suffering an emotional meltdown.

From, Art Smith:
Rick (Billy Campbell) and Lily's (Sela Ward) relationship faces a new hurdle: the possibility that she may be pregnant. The situation leads each of them to confront painful truths about their respective failed marriages — which both seemed to fall apart around the time that each of their second children was born. Rick's reaction to the prospect of being a father again upsets Lily and drives a momentary wedge between them. Meanwhile, Grace is disappointed when her friend Carla (Audrey Anderson) makes a successful play for Eli's attention.