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Once and Again Hunk Survives Star Wars

For those keeping a list of who isn't going to be playing the coveted role of Anakin Skywalker in the next Star Wars prequel, you can count out Once and Again cutie Shane West. "I'm pretty positive I'm not doing it," he tells TV Guide Online. "I met with the casting director (Robin Gurland) and just to show you how it was, I was waiting outside to meet with her and someone was in with her and the door opens and the guy comes out and it's [Whatever It Takes co-star] Colin Hanks. It was, like, 'Great! Up against each other again!' "

Oh, who needs Star Wars when you've got a steady gig on Once and Again? West is actually pleased that the show hasn't propelled him into another teen-idol-come-lately. "When I get recognized it's usually by older men and older women. It's not Popular or Roswell or Dawson's Creek, and I like it that way. I like being on an hour drama that is garnering respect and has been nominated for awards. I don't want to get any grand illusions of what might happen if I start getting recognized all over the place. It's pretty scary."

In case you are obsessed with West and Once and Again, the actor offers a preview of the show's season finale. "All the families are meeting and they're writing practically everybody into the script, including the recurring characters. I do know [my character] Eli is going to be with the new girl in his life. I broke up with my girlfriend on the show but she's going to be on the final episode." Uh oh. May the Force be with him. — Eddie Roche, "Insider," (March 30, 2000)