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'Once and Again' needs viewers, not petitions

By Tim Cuprisin

There's one more chance for ABC's "Once and Again," which returns to the network's lineup tonight at 9 on Channel 12.

The blended-family drama has bounced around the dial, most recently to Fridays, where it never found an audience.

Rabid fans of "OandA," as they like to call the show, are now taking out national advertising and e-mailing TV writers to save it. They've got an online petition drive, a letter-writing campaign to ABC execs, and paid for ads in trade magazines.

Their e-missive included this:

"The fans have thrown down the gauntlet in a very heartfelt and public way. They've used their own money, and given of their time and effort for no other reason than their love of the series. Now it's time for the powers at ABC to do their part."

While its lack of a permanent slot for "OandA" is a problem, ABC has already kept a ratings-challenged show alive for three seasons. It's up to the fans to get all their friends and neighbors - especially from Nielsen households - to watch the show tonight and for as many Mondays as it keeps airing.

If not perfect, it's definitely worth saving. The characters can be whiny and self-absorbed, but they face real-life problems that don't end with each episode. Sela Ward and Billy Campbell are annoying, but the large cast is full of interesting and watchable faces who create a true extended family of characters.

Tonight's episode deals with the aftermath of a near fatal accident for one of the regulars. It's as messy as real-life recuperation can be. If you haven't seen the show, you should be able to catch up with the characters pretty easily. If you've missed the show, now you know where to find it.

If you're looking for others who share your "OandA" love, try and

But to survive, a show doesn't need ads or Web sites or petitions. It needs viewers. __ Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel (March 3, 2002)

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