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Horton: Deja Vu All Over 'Again'

By Donna Petrozzello --
Working on the set of ABC's "Once and Again" reminds actor Peter Horton of his old "thirty-something" show.

Horton, who stars in "The Geena Davis Show," directs tonight's episode of the romantic drama in which Rick (Billy Campbell) deals with his son Eli (Shane West), who turns to music to escape problems at school.

"The show's got a similar tone and rhythm as 'thirtysomething,' " says Horton. "It was strange being on the set, almost like going back to your hometown and seeing all the same buildings there, but different people inside."

Not every face at "Once" is unfamiliar to Horton. He worked again with actor David Clennon, who is reprising his role as "thirtysomething's" overdemanding boss, Miles Drentell.

"Once" co-producers Edward Zwick and Marshall Herskovitz created "thirtysomething." They and Horton have been friends for nearly 20 years, since Zwick knocked on Horton's door and suggested that the two men take turns dog-sitting for each other. Now, the men share an office.

For tonight's show, Horton directs several scenes in which Eli's band plays, giving him the challenge of filming a live music performance that "looks authentic, not hokey."

"Immediately what came to mind were all the stereotypes of 'Brady Bunch' bands that looked so silly on TV," Horton says.

It turns out that West, a guitarist, has his own real band. Members of the band turn up on the show.

"And, Shane's not lip-syncing," Horton adds.

"Directing can be an extraordinary experience, or it can be really difficult and treacherous," says Horton. "But, I'm happy with how this show looks."__New York Daily News (November 14, 2000)