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Blurb reviews for "Destiny Turns on the Radio"

From David Biancuili:
10:00 (ABC) "Once and Again." So Lily, like Sabrina and Frasier, finds sudden fame behind the microphone, hosting an individualistic radio show. Nice work if you can get it -- and apparently they can. Paul Dooley, as Lily's eccentric boss, is, as always, a delight. __ NY Daily News (November 2, 2001)

Lily (Sela Ward) interviews for a job at a local radio station, and a twist of fate brings an exciting, and public, opportunity. Unfortunately, that opportunity puts her in an awkward position with her new stepkids. __ (November 2, 2001)

Lily goes on the air at a radio station, thereby increasing the chances that she'll embarass or offend one of the members of her family on Once and Again (ABC, 9pm; will air again at 10pm on Sunday night on Lifetime). I missed this show last week. When a show's so good you miss it when it doesn't air, that's a good thing. __ (November 2, 2001)