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Contact: Lynda Shulman

Fans of "Once and Again" issue challenge to ABC executives

February 25, 2002

"There are two ways to make money in entertainment, the high road or the low road. The low road is a road that I don't choose to be on… My value is in the area of making sure that everything we do is ethical, moral, and creatively of the highest quality." Michael Eisner, Fortune (Jan 7, 02)

"Shows that center on families have historically been a big part of ABC' s success. And we are definitely committed to developing more of them. It' s a strong part of our mix and should be. "ABC Entertainment President Susan Lyne, Union Tribune (Jan 15, 02)

Fans of Once and Again are asking Mr. Eisner and Ms. Lyne to stand behind their statements by renewing the show for a fourth season. There has been much talk of ABC wanting to return to what they were once known for: family programming. That leads the fans to question why the network would consider canceling the best family drama on TV. Once and Again is a multi-award winning, critically acclaimed series that addresses complex family issues with class and dignity. It is a series "of the highest quality" and one whose renewal would allow Disney/ABC to choose the "high road." The fans are challenging ABC to give Once and Again a chance by giving it a permanent home and promoting it aggressively to attract new viewers.

These fans – who vary in age, race and religion and who have no vested financial interest in keeping Once and Again on the air – have undertaken the following initiatives:

  1. Contacting ABC: Thousands of fans have written letters, sent emails and made phone calls to Susan Lyne and Lloyd Braun, letting the ABC executives know that viewers are watching Once and Again.
  2. Online Petition: Over 8,500 (and counting) people have signed an online petition that will be hand-delivered to Ms. Lyne's office on March 4, 2002
  3. The e-mail Derby: Fans have e-mailed radio stations, entertainment shows, magazines, talk shows and local ABC affiliates asking them to promote Once and Again's return on March 4, 2002 in hopes of increasing viewership.
  4. Gardenias and Lilies: Fans are sending gardenias (in honor of "Gardenia," the name for one of the series' strongest episodes) and lilies (for Lily Manning, the name of one of the series' characters) to Mr. Braun's and Ms. Lyne's offices every Monday until Once and Again returns.
  5. Advertisements in Trade Magazines: The fans placed a $2,800 ad in The Hollywood Reporter 's January 29, 2002, issue. The money for the ad was donated by the fans in less than a week. The next ad (costing $3,300) will appear in the March 4, 2002, issue of Variety Magazine. (Variety advertisement is enclosed)

The fans have thrown down the gauntlet in a very heartfelt and public way. They've used their own money, and given of their time and effort for no other reason than their love of the series. Now it's time for the powers at ABC to do their part.

If fans would like to learn more about the show and the campaign, they are encouraged to visit the following websites:

Enclosure: Variety Magazine Advertisement and Show Synopsis/Character Description.