NOTE: The collages may take some time to load, be patient
Everyone who visits this "collage" section, PLEASE read the bottom..scroll down to read....
Whitney and Chad. Made by me
Sheridan and Luis. Made by me
Ethan and Theresa. Made by me
Whitney and Chad. Made by me
Miguel and Charity. Made by me
Miguel and Charity. Made by me
Luis and Sheridan Made by me
Ethan and Theresa Made by me
The 4 Main Families of Passions Collage Made by me
The following are collages made my me unless otherwise noted. You can not put my collages up on your site unless you ask. Please do not steal my collages w/o asking.
If you have a Passions Collage you made, submit it to me, and I'll put it up on the site. Don't worry, you will get credit.
Passions Fan Forum