AAA - Anti-Aircraft Artillery.
BDA - Bomb Damage Assessment. Summary of enemy surface targets destroyed or damaged.
CSAR - Combat Search and Rescue.
Defensive Spiral - a descending, accelerating dive using high Gand continuous roll to negate an attack and gain lateral separation.
EPA - Evasive Plan of Action.
F-Pole - the distance from the launching aircraft to the target at missile impact.
FAC - Forward Air Controller
GLCM - Ground Launched Cruise Missile.
HARM - High Speed Antiradiation Missile.
IRCM - Infrared countermeasures.
JAAT - Joint Air Attack Team. Coordinated employment of attack helicopters and fighters employed against enemy ground vehicles and personnel.
Lag Pursuit - an attack geometry that will cause the attacker to fly behind the target.
MIW - Mine warfare.
NORDO - No operative radio.
PD - Probability of damage.
PB - Probability of hit.
PJ - Pararescueman.
PK - Probability of kill.
Rmax - maximum weapons range.
STRIKE - an attack which is intended to inflict damage, seize, or destroy an objective.
TAC-A - an airborne agency located far enough away from threats and jamming to provide a communications relay between fighters, FACs, and ground agencies.
VID - Visual Identification.
Wild Weasel - dedicated radar defense suppression aircraft