Agent Judy Silverman

Name: Judy Silverman, Jules for short

Age: 27

Occupation: Research Specialist, Office of Science and Technology, Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms

Romantic Interest:

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Background: Jules is the completely solitary and lonely researcher who lives in the library.  Complete behind the scenes quirky anti-social due to lack of any proper upbringing and placing in life.  Her mother left her at the hospital, and her father resented it all her life.  He never physically harmed her, but his complete disinterest in her life left her to fend for herself.  Being too timid to ever turn to crime, she escaped in her books, Jules Verne and his scince-fiction world of fantasy being her favorite alternate universe, and giving her the nickname.  As she got older and needed to decide what to do with her life, she met a certain Ezra Standish, similarily lost in the connundrum of future prospects. While sitting in a coffee shop at the University of Atlanta, a ATF recruiter approached them.  Jokingly, Jules dared him he couldn't get passed the preliminary tests.  She never dreamed he'd take her up on the jest, fully intending her to join to prove his eventual winnings.  After the pyche test put her in research and him in undercover, they lost touch.  She quickly earned a reputation as the best researcher in the field for her determination and throughness.  She bounces from team to team and city to city, which is what she prefers, having always been uncomfortable around people, prefering to be alone with her books and assignments.  When Kelsey McAlister sent her a transfer notice to Denver to help facillitate the take down of the drug cartel and homicidal sociopath, Jules simply paked her one suicase that made up her belongings, paid the hotel for her stay, and left for the airport.