The tide lapped at his feet as Ezra P. Standish stood before the vastness of the
Pacific ocean. His usual awe for the ocean's beauty and greatness was lost among the
jumbled thoughts that filled his head. "What a perfectly horrid day" he thought to himself
as he ran a hand through his thick brown hair. He sighed as he stuffed his hand back into
the pocket of his tan Versace slacks.
He had spent the whole day in meetings, one horribly boring meeting after another.
He had seen budget presentations, potential company merger presentations, marketing
campaign presentations......if it was in a presentation, he probably saw it. He had stared at
the projector screen for so long today that his eyes were still blurry, even though it was
almost 8:00 at night.
He had only been able to steal away for about 30 minutes today so that he could
have some time to himself. His secretary had commented on how tired he was looking.
"Mr. Standish, I really think that you should consider a vacation," she had said, her
voice filled with sincerity and concern.
A vacation. What he wouldn't give to be able to take a vacation. The last time he
had been able to get away at all had been two years ago when he had visited Maude in
Paris. Even then, he had been called back early.....a crisis with their Australian division.
But what did he expect!?! Standish Enterprises was his life's work. A
multi-million dollar international conglomerate that owned everything from a coffee shop
chain to its own line of gaming equipment. He had spent his whole life getting to this
point. He just never realized how much time and energy it was going to take to maintain
it. He had thought that building it would be the roughest part. Boy, had he been wrong.
He heard the 'caw' of a gull as it flew overhead. He looked down at the beautiful
beach around him and felt lucky that he still had its beauty to himself. The small beach
inlet had been his only solace over the last several years. It had become a part of his very
soul, of his very being. It gave him comfort when he felt so alone.
Of course, there was his home. His pride and joy. The Standish house was a
beautiful three story home built specifically for Ezra nine years ago. It was the biggest
home in Mendocino County and the most beautiful of homes on the northern California
coastline. Ezra had poured all his love into that home, from its design to its construction
and finally into its furnishings. It was the truest reflection of his being. Now, he only
wished he had someone to share it with.
Loneliness was not a new concept to Ezra. In fact, it was one he knew all too
well. There had been plenty of women in Ezra's life. He was a handsome man, but never
anyone that he could see himself with for the rest of his life. He had no family to speak of
except for Maude, but she kept herself quite busy with her jet-set life in Europe. She
would visit on occasion, but the coast was too quiet for her.
There were few people in Ezra's life that he called friends. Most of the
acquaintances that he had made, often took the trust and loyalty that Ezra showed to them
and tried to turn it against him for their own personal gain. They often tried to use it to
get what they wanted from him before brushing him aside.
The wind blew gently off the ocean and Ezra relished the cool feeling it left on his
face. It rustled his hair and caressed his cheek, his lonely lover. The bottom tip of the sun
had just disappeared behind the horizon, throwing its most brilliant colors of gold, pink,
and orange across the clear summer sky. And Ezra sighed heavy at the calm that was
taking hold of his mind, releasing all the stress and tension of the day.
That was when he felt her presence. She stood at the far edge of the inlet with her
back to him. Her gaze looked out toward the ocean as the breeze blew her long silken
hair back, making it dance madly on her shoulders. Her hair was as black as night, a sharp
contrast from the white gauze dress she wore.
Ezra could only see her profile.....dark eyes, a small defined nose, china white skin,
full lips that were pursed together. Her expression was masked with pain, but there was
something very comforting about her presence. He allowed himself to take in her entire
being. Slender arms adorned by a single gold band, a small waist hidden by the loose
fabric of her dress, long legs, bare feet.
Ezra turned his attention back to the setting sun. It was taking its final bow as it
slipped beneath the horizon, leaving only its colorful marks across the sky. It seemed to
him that it got more beautiful every time he partook in this ritual, leaving him breathless
and wanting more.
Returning his attention to the Lady in White, he found she was no longer there.
Instead she had moved up beside him, startling him with her soundless approach. Ezra
took a step back and regarded the woman with a questioning look. The Lady in White
laughed softly, a sound so soothing to Ezra's tense body. He found as much comfort in it
as a crying child does its mother's voice.
"I'm sorry Ezra" she said, a smile playing on the corner of her lips. "I didn't mean
to startle you."
Ezra laughed to himself, trying to cover the fact that he was blushing terribly.
Realizing she had called him by name, Ezra looked at her quizzically. "Have we met
before?" He hated to ask because he thought it quite rude to forget people with whom
you have already been introduced. He also thought it almost impossible that he would
have forgot someone as beautiful as she was.
"On occasion" she said, a smile still resting comfortably on her lips. Ezra stared at
her, helpless to turn away. Her smile began to fade. "What is troubling you, my sweet"
she said, her voice was soft and delicate, her eyes never leaving his.
This time it was Ezra who smiled, shaking his head as he was finally able to unlock
his gaze from her. The moment that connection was broken, Ezra felt the cold, loneliness
sweep back in. He looked back out to the beautiful sea, his only true friend. A friend that
was always willing to listen and soothe him when his days became unbearable.
Ezra got ready to launch into his usual "smoke screen" excuse that he so often
used when pressed about his welfare. He was was difficult.....mergers
were threatening....hostile takeovers....stock prices were not what they should
be.......endless reasons that were all business related. He had learned a long time ago that
people knew that business was tough and if he related it to that, people usually excepted
his response at face value. This way he could avoid the uncomfortable conversation about
himself with people he either didn't trust or who didn't really care in the first place.
At least these were the words that his mind told him to speak, but it was his heart
that did the talking for him. His feelings of loneliness and isolation spilled out on the sand
before the lady in white, choked with fears and regret. He spoke of his dreams of a family
someday, of children of his own. He spoke of the desire for friends that would be there
for him regardless of the consequences. He wished for a time when things were simpler
than they were now.
The Lady in White listened with the heart of the ocean, weeping silently for his
pain and emptiness. They stood in silence for a moment as Ezra emptied the last of his
soul out to her. She turned to face Ezra, unconditionally love filled her eyes. She
caressed his cheek with the tips of her fingers, looking deep into his soul. Ezra was lost in
her eyes, deep and wide as the ocean.
Placing both her hands on his cheeks, she drew him to her. Anxiety filled Ezra's
heart as he watched her drawing near. Closing his eyes, he felt those beautiful full lips as
they pressed firmly to his.
And as she placed that kiss on his lips, a jolt of energy filled Ezra's body. No
longer did his mind stand on the beach of Northern California. It was flooded with images
and memories of people, of places, of events.......from where, he did not know. It was a
different place, a different time. It was so strange and foreign to Ezra, yet at the same
time, oddly familiar.
He saw buildings and dirt streets. He saw tables with cards scattered face down
across them. Only one card was turned up, and it was the Ace of Spades. He saw people,
whom he did not know, yet somehow did. He heard names of women that had loved him
and that he had loved, names like Tammy and Cat, Enid and Laura, Josey and Bern and
countless other devoted BrigaDears. He saw people who had respect for him, a blonde
woman carrying a bundle of newspapers, an astute elderly gentleman being called "Judge",
a beautiful Spanish woman standing behind a bar.......and many others.
Then he saw the men, and he felt like a part of him that had been locked away
from the world had just been re-opened, a part that had lain dormant for so long. He saw
the young carefree man, a sheriff's badge on his jacket and an odd looking hat atop his
head. He saw a leather clad fellow that had a comfortable quietness about him. He saw
the caring face of a young black man, a brilliant smile lighting his eyes. He saw a rouge
gentleman with a wickedly mischievous grin. He saw the large comforting form of a man
perched upon the steps of an old beat up church. And then he saw the man in black. A
dark, looming figure that commanded attention in his mere presence.
Ezra saw these men in his mind's eye and he felt something he had never felt
before, brotherhood. He felt love and respect and trust for these men, even though he did
not even know their names. He could feel a sense of security, a sense of purpose, a sense
of who he was with these men. He was part of something great, part of something that
could not be held by the bounds of time or space. Above all, he felt love. And he knew
that he would never, ever be alone again.
Ezra opened his eyes and looked around. The Lady in White was gone, just as he
knew she would be. He looked out at the small gentle waves that were rolling in. The last
of the light had just about slipped away and the glorious moon was hanging brightly in the
sky. Ezra inhaled deeply on the ocean air. His mind, body and soul were filled with the
comfort and knowledge that he was loved.
A gentle wave crashed against the small rock that stood a few feet from Ezra and
he swore he heard her voice coming from the mist.
"Yes Ezra, you are loved."
A smile crept across Ezra's handsome features. He felt better than he had ever felt
in his life. He felt happy and strong and alive, but above all, he didn't feel alone anymore.
Ezra shook his head as he thought of all the images that he had seen.
Turning to follow the trail back up to his home, Ezra laughed to himself, "Now, I'm certain. A vacation is exactly what I need."
The End
Let the author know what you think. Constructive comments are always welcome.