SaXon Geat Guestbook

These are the signatures from the old SaXon Geat guestbook, preserved here for who-knows-why. Have fun readin' them.

Wednesday 12/02/1998 3:50:21pm Guest: Jeff Parkes (From: , browsing with Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 95; ISP534); )
Email: Age: 16
SaXon Geat Home Page
Referred by: I'm in the band, darn it!
Guestbook Habits: I MADE this guestbook! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
Date: 02-Dec-98 04:49 PM
If they like SaXon Geat: Oh, definitely. They're the best!
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: Yessir
I hope this new Deluxe Guestbook works! If it doesn't then I guess you couldn't read this. Darned paradoxes!

Wednesday 12/02/1998 4:59:45pm Guest: Nate Freakin' Winder (From: , browsing with Mozilla/4.05 [en] (Win95; I); )
Email: Age: 17
Otodom's Freakin' Page
Referred by: I used to be in the band(applies only to Brett and Dave and apparently Nate)
Guestbook Habits: I've signed this guestbook before
Date: 02-Dec-98 05:56 PM
If they like SaXon Geat: Well they play freakin music right?
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: Unfreakinfortunitely
This is a freakin' website! For Saxon freakin Geat! And one of these freakin' days, I'm gonna freakin' write a freakin' song for this freakin' band. And maybe even freakin gueststar. OfreakinK? And if you're freakin' wondering why I freakin said that I used to be in the freakin' band then listen to this freakin' story: Once a freakin long time afreakingo, Nate was freakin' petitioned by freakin' Dave freakin' Omer to be in a freakin after school freakin bandthing. I freakin' accepted but nothing ever freakin happened. So I am the freakin' lost member of this freakin' band before it had a freakin' name. And the freakin' name they got now doesn't make any freakin' sense!

Wednesday 12/02/1998 8:09:39pm Guest: Randy Gunn (From: , browsing with Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98); )
Email: Age: 17

Referred by: I'm in the band, darn it!
Guestbook Habits: I've signed this guestbook before
Date: 02-Dec-98 09:08 PM
If they like SaXon Geat: The keyboardist smells funny
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: I think so
I love you guys so much, you are the best band in the world. I think that the bass player is the best looking guy in the world and I want to date him. He is so talented and I love him.

Wednesday 12/02/1998 8:59:41pm Guest: Dave (From: , browsing with Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win95; I); )
Email: Age: 17

Referred by: I'm in the band, darn it!
Guestbook Habits: I've never signed this guestbook before
Date: 02-Dec-98 09:59 PM
If they like SaXon Geat: Oh, definitely. We're the best!
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: course, been there!
We are awesome guys! What else can I say. I just want my buck 80 or something from that gift certificate!

Wednesday 12/02/1998 11:59:28pm Guest: Satisfied Customer (From: , browsing with Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win95; I); )
Email: Age: 18
227 Tingey Hall Heaven
Referred by: I used to be in the band(applies only to Brett and Dave)
Guestbook Habits: I've signed this guestbook before
Date: 03-Dec-98 12:59 AM
If they like SaXon Geat: Luv'em, individually & collectively
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: And how!
Wow, this web page has come so far. I just can't believe how great it's getting. I look forward to the day when I can tune in to my favorite radio transmission frequency and be soothed by the enchanted harmonics of such a nifty band. Despite all this greatness however, there seems to be something missing. Like most visitors, I downloaded each and every sound file and listened to them intently. But I fear there has been a mistake. It sounds like somewhere, there is a guitar....and maybe.....a....maybe...a drum? I don't know; it's hard to place my finger on, but it just seems as something is missing from one of your songs. Perhaps if in one of the song descriptions, you could explain a little more about the mysterious featured instruments. The current description just seems so, so...incomplete. Your help in correcting this injustice is appreciated. Thank you, and goodnight.

Thursday 12/03/1998 9:13:59am Guest: Lyndee Stratford (From: , browsing with Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.01; Windows 95); )
Email: Age: 18
I don't have one!!!!
Referred by: From an Enemy
Guestbook Habits: I've never signed this guestbook before
Date: 03-Dec-98 10:13 AM
If they like SaXon Geat: Are you kidding?
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: I love the Pez song!
I think that you guys have a great sound that a lot of the bands today don't have. I think it's neat that you guys use more than just guitars and drums. I am proud to know you!

Thursday 12/03/1998 1:33:10pm Guest: jamie olsen (From: , browsing with Mozilla/4.06 [en] (WinNT; I); )
Email: Age: 19

Referred by: From a Friend
Guestbook Habits: I've signed this guestbook before
Date: 03-Dec-98 02:32 PM
If they like SaXon Geat: Oh, definitely. They're the best!
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: yes
I'm signing again

Thursday 12/03/1998 9:46:47pm Guest: Annelise (From: , browsing with Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 95; ISP534); )
Email: Age: 21
Annelise's Eclectic page
Referred by: I'm related to a band member
Guestbook Habits: I've never signed this guestbook before
Date: 03-Dec-98 10:46 PM
If they like SaXon Geat: Oh, definitely. They're the best!
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: yes...they suck!
I think Jeff was really mean for taking up our one web page access thing for himself

Saturday 12/05/1998 11:59:18am Guest: Mickey (From: , browsing with Mozilla/4.06 [en] (WinNT; I); )
Email: Age: 99
stinky head
Referred by: I'm not in the band, darn it!
Guestbook Habits: I've signed this guestbook before
Date: 05-Dec-98 12:59 PM
If they like SaXon Geat: they suck
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: they suck
they suck

Saturday 12/05/1998 11:34:31pm Guest: Dave "Tiberious" Omer (From: , browsing with Mozilla/4.04 [en] (Win95; I); )
Email: Age: 17
The coolest Page in the World!!
Referred by: I'm in the band, darn it!
Guestbook Habits: I've signed this guestbook before
Date: 06-Dec-98 12:34 AM
If they like SaXon Geat: Yah! Especially the Tenor player!
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: lemme think.....
Lemme tell you a little story about a cat. Once upon a time there was a cow named Clirdornofferstoffen. Clide (as we all call him)didn't like his name. One day he decided that he was going to go over to the school to check out the scene. So this cat walks over and says to the chicken, "Hey, buddy! I'm goin' to Summernary!" This just proves what a great band we got! I love it.

Tuesday 12/08/1998 1:35:21pm Guest: James Sanders (From: , browsing with Mozilla/4.06 [en] (WinNT; I); )
Email: Age: 18

Referred by: I'm not in the band, darn it!
Guestbook Habits: I've signed this guestbook before
Date: 08-Dec-98 02:35 PM
If they like SaXon Geat: Oh, of course I do, yeah that's it
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: I think I did once
I miss SaXon Geat I just don't get it down here. Help me I'm suffering from Geat withdrawl! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday 12/11/1998 1:54:48pm Guest: Kjersti Adeline Oda Parkes (From: , browsing with Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 95; ISP534); )
Email: Age: 19
Referred by: From an Enemy
Guestbook Habits: I've signed this guestbook before
Date: 11-Dec-98 02:54 PM
If they like SaXon Geat: NO WAY
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: They torture me!

Friday 12/11/1998 3:22:41pm Guest: Chris Warren (From: , browsing with Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98); )
Email: Age: 17
I dont know
Referred by: I'm in the band, darn it!
Guestbook Habits: I've never signed this guestbook before
Date: 11-Dec-98 04:23 PM
If they like SaXon Geat: Oh, definitely. They're the best!
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: Umm.....
I am better than you.Where is my tax! I charge 25% interest compounded daily

Monday 12/14/1998 6:32:21pm Guest: Robert Dale Johnson Jr. (From: , browsing with Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.0; AOL 4.0; Windows 3.1); )
Email: Age: 18
If I had one I'd tell ya :o)
Referred by: From an Enemy
Guestbook Habits: I've never signed this guestbook before
Date: 14-Dec-98 07:32 PM
If they like SaXon Geat: I plead the 5th
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: Heck Yeah!!!!
Pez or die!!!! Bwahahahahahaha

Thursday 12/17/1998 7:56:11pm Guest: Stud The Studmuffin (From: , browsing with Mozilla/4.06 [en] (WinNT; I); )
Email: Age: 28
the chronicles of stud
Referred by: Yahoo! (Which is weird; we're not on Yahoo!)
Guestbook Habits: I've signed this guestbook before
Date: 17-Dec-98 08:55 PM
If they like SaXon Geat: Oh, definitely. They're the best!
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: no, 'causei'm a stud
like you guys are studs because I should know I'm the master of all studliness and I think you are neat and stuff 'cause, dude, you guys rock and junk so you should really start doin' studly stuff,rock on dudes

Thursday 12/31/1998 6:31:34pm Guest: Darboe (From: , browsing with Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 95); )
Email: Age: 88
Darboe's World
Referred by: I found it on the link page of Darboe's World
Guestbook Habits: I've signed this guestbook before
Date: 31-Dec-98 07:31 PM
If they like SaXon Geat: Mannnn They Are BAAAAD!!!
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: Once I think
Hey since Jeff did not like the logo that he requested from me a long time ago I thought I might post it here I like it better than what they have now

Love Darboe

Saturday 01/23/1999 7:09:56pm Guest: Hoser Nate (From: , browsing with Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.01; Windows 95); )
Email: Age: 18
Hoser Nate's Homepage
Referred by: From a Friend
Guestbook Habits: I've never signed this guestbook before
Date: 23-Jan-99 08:10 PM
If they like SaXon Geat: Oh, definitely. They're the best!
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: yes
Christmas Jones sent me. I have nothing to say except that Jeff needs to center all the stuff--it looks kinda goofy all off to the left side. Anyhow, have a swell day!Phrum, Hoser Nate

Friday 01/29/1999 9:18:37pm Guest: Barbara Nilsson (From: , browsing with Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win95; I); )
Email: Age: 17

Referred by: From a Total Stranger
Guestbook Habits: I've never signed this guestbook before
Date: 29-Jan-99 10:17 PM
If they like SaXon Geat: Oh, definitely. They're the best!
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: yep

Sunday 01/31/1999 11:04:43am Guest: Erin McKeage (From: , browsing with Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win95; I); )
Email: Age: 15
don't have one
Referred by: From a Friend
Guestbook Habits: I've never signed this guestbook before
Date: 31-Jan-99 12:04 PM
If they like SaXon Geat: I don't know
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: no
I don't really know anything about the band.I just was chatting with Jeff on Friday night and he told me to come here and sign the guest book.

Tuesday 02/02/1999 2:33:20pm Guest: Lauren (From: , browsing with Mozilla/4.01 [en] (Win95; I); )
Email: Age: 15

Referred by: From a Friend
Guestbook Habits: I've never signed this guestbook before
Date: 02-Feb-99 03:34 PM
If they like SaXon Geat: I don't know
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: no
I'm just friends with Erin. She told me to come here.

Thursday 02/04/1999 2:23:29pm Guest: Casey "The Triangle" Wayman (From: , browsing with Mozilla/4.04 (Macintosh; I; PPC, Nav) via NetCache version 3)
Email: Age: 17
The Lewis Incident
Referred by: From a Total Stranger
Guestbook Habits: I've never signed this guestbook before
Date: 04-Feb-99 03:22 PM
If they like SaXon Geat: I'm not really sure, I'll check.
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: I guess
This is so cool. You should come visit my Webpage once it is in production. Jeff, I don't know how you do it. Probably with some sort of adhesive I guess. Keep going strong, and keep all your members strong and up tight, and down load, if you catch Ben's drift? Ha, Ha, Ha. It is high time I leave you at peace, and let us never forget the common earthworm, and all it's uses. Toodle Flip.

Thursday 02/04/1999 9:09:14pm Guest: Kjersti (Zua the Avenger!!) (From: , browsing with Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 95; ISP534); )
Email: Age: 20
Zua the Avenger!!!
Referred by: I used to be in the band(applies only to Brett and Dave, but not Kjersti!)
Guestbook Habits: I've signed this guestbook before
Date: 04-Feb-99 10:08 PM
If they like SaXon Geat: Yes, (Can I have my twinkie now?)
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: Yes siree bobster!
Hey go visit my site, It is really cool!

Monday 02/08/1999 11:04:53am Guest: Big "D" (From: , browsing with Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 95; ATK IE401 Co)
Age: 47

Referred by: I found it on the link page of Darboe's World
Guestbook Habits: I've never signed this guestbook before
Date: 08-Feb-99 12:04 PM
If they like SaXon Geat:
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: No
I'm only signing this because I know some of you and one of you knows who I am. He'll have to reveal it to the rest of you. Maybe someday you'll make it big. Make what big? you ask. To which I confidently reply, IT.

Tuesday 02/23/1999 3:12:07pm Guest: Captain Billy (From: , browsing with Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; AOL 4.0; Windows 98); )
Email: Age: 15

Referred by: From a Friend
Guestbook Habits: I've never signed this guestbook before
Date: 23-Feb-99 04:13 PM
If they like SaXon Geat: Je ne sais pas?
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: no
Hello all those stupid people in stupidville you're stupid. I like egg nog

Monday 03/01/1999 4:10:31pm Guest: Amanda (From: , browsing with Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; MSN 2.5; Windows 98); )
Email: Age: 16
I don't have a homepage, notice how I did not fillin the address
Referred by: From a Friend
Guestbook Habits: I've never signed this guestbook before
Date: 01-Mar-99 05:09 PM
If they like SaXon Geat: good i suppose. never heard em
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: nope
Hey ya'll. I got here from a link on Nathan's page. I am going to listen to yer soundclips though and then give my :-) y opinion. Well I like your name at least so far!! Have any of you ever played spin the bottle with an egg?? of course not cos then it would be spin the egg!! stupid

Thursday 04/01/1999 4:54:00pm Guest: THE Trista Sanderson ;-) (From: , browsing with Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.0; AOL 3.0; Windows 95); )
Email: Age: 99

Referred by: From a Friend
Guestbook Habits: I've never signed this guestbook before
Date: 01-Apr-99 05:53 PM
If they like SaXon Geat: come and play for me...
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: Uhh-nope!
Well-buddies-come and play for me and i'll have some comments! Should i say that-hmm-i feel anticipation!?!?!?! Hehe p.s. I'm just TOO old for you for I was at the age limit of this web page! te heTrista

Wednesday 06/09/1999 6:42:19pm Guest: Princess Bleubelle (From: , browsing with Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win95; I))
Email: Age: 18

Referred by: From a Friend
Guestbook Habits: I've never signed this guestbook before
Date: 09-Jun-99 06:42 PM
If they like SaXon Geat: they're awesome!
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: not in person
I've never heard the band live, but I look forward to it Thursday night!

Saturday 06/19/1999 11:34:20am Guest: James Bigler (From: , browsing with Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; ZDNetSL))
Email: Age: 22
The Pit of James
Referred by: From a Friend
Guestbook Habits: I've never signed this guestbook before
Date: 19-Jun-99 11:33 AM
If they like SaXon Geat: Don't know that I do.
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: Not in this lifetime
Green is good.

Thursday 08/26/1999 8:02:23pm Guest: The PopeMan (From: , browsing with Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; MSN 2.5; Windows 98))
Email: Age: 18

Referred by: From a Friend
Guestbook Habits: I've never signed this guestbook before
Date: 26-Aug-99 08:00 PM
If they like SaXon Geat: yeah I guess j/k Yes
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: yes
Your all awsome musician's except that triangle man don't think he was there when I heard them play

Thursday 09/02/1999 8:07:46pm Guest: Candice, Colleen, Jill (From: , browsing with Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win95; I))
Email:,, Age: 19

Referred by: From a Total Stranger
Guestbook Habits: I've never signed this guestbook before
Date: 02-Sep-99 08:05 PM
If they like SaXon Geat: Oh, definitely. They're the best!
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: only on the computer
Hi Ben. We are sure you sounded fabulous but through the screams of your numerous fans, we couldn't understand the words. We got the vibes of your devotion to pez, though. Love you tons, turkey buns (from Colleen). And we are sure the rest of the band is spiffy, too. yeah.

Wednesday 09/15/1999 7:15:18pm Guest: Rob slater (From: , browsing with Mozilla/4.61 [en] (Win98; I))
Email: Age: 18

Referred by: I'm in the band, darn it!
Guestbook Habits: I've signed this guestbook before
Date: 15-Sep-99 07:15 PM
If they like SaXon Geat: Oh, definitely. They're the best!
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: never
I added an awards bonus thing to the website, if you don't want it, let me know. I figure we might get more business.

Sunday 09/19/1999 7:51:05pm Guest: Chris Roy (From: , browsing with Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; AOL 4.0; Windows 98))
Email: Age: 18

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Guestbook Habits: I've never signed this guestbook before
Date: 19-Sep-99 07:50 PM
If they like SaXon Geat: Oh, definitely. They're the best!
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: Yeah
I'm sorry to see Ben leave, and That I won't be able to attend his farewell. However, I feel that you guys have an incredible talent and I have enjoyed listening to you. I will still see Jeff in Music Theory, Drama, and Mads, and next semester in Concert Choir, and Wind Ensemble, so I guess it's not a total loss. I hope you all stay as close as you have been and keep the music flowing. Good Luck.

Sunday 10/03/1999 2:29:34am Guest: Conquerer of Nations (From: , browsing with Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; MSN 2.5; Windows 98; DigE)
Email: Age: 18
Storybug's Domain
Referred by: Yahoo! (Which is weird; we're not on Yahoo!)
Guestbook Habits: I've never signed this guestbook before
Date: 03-Oct-99 02:28 AM
If they like SaXon Geat: Oh, definitely. They're the best!
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: Yep, twice.
Howzabout givin' me a kish!?

Thursday 10/07/1999 11:01:28pm Guest: Dustin (From: , browsing with Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; MSN 2.5; Windows 98; DigE)
none Age: 8
my home page
Referred by: From a Total Stranger
Guestbook Habits: I've never signed this guestbook before
Date: 07-Oct-99 11:03 PM
If they like SaXon Geat: I don't know
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: no
come see my page. see if it's as cool as yorse Oh sign my gestbook too!!!

Saturday 11/13/1999 7:48:40pm Guest: Emily Elizabeth Millet (From: , browsing with Mozilla/2.02 (Win95; I))
Age: 18
Brent's Homepage
Referred by: From a Friend
Guestbook Habits: I've never signed this guestbook before
Date: 13-Nov-99 08:48 PM
If they like SaXon Geat: Yes, and they are very good!
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: Of course!
I miss Ben! Jeff is amazing!! And Casey is excellent on the triangle!

Saturday 11/20/1999 3:46:41pm Guest: sarah buckner (From: , browsing with Mozilla/4.7 [en] (Win98; I))
Email: Age: 17
HoserNate's webpage
Referred by: From a Total Stranger
Guestbook Habits: I've never signed this guestbook before
Date: 20-Nov-99 04:45 PM
If they like SaXon Geat: Oh, definitely. They're the best!
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: of course
you guys are Rockstars. I love you!!!

Saturday 12/18/1999 9:48:31pm Guest: Celestina A. Renzetti (From: , browsing with Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 95))
Email: Age: 16

Referred by: From a Friend
Guestbook Habits: I've never signed this guestbook before
Date: 18-Dec-99 10:43 PM
If they like SaXon Geat: Oh, definitely. They're the best!
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: not in person
Hey You guys sound great!! I wish I could have heard one of your live performances though instead of through my dumb computer's speakers. See you guys around.

Saturday 02/26/2000 2:43:35pm Guest: Elder Parkes (From: , browsing with Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98))
Email: Age: 19
Mission Man
Referred by: Did Not Respond
Guestbook Habits:
Date: 26-Feb-00 03:46 PM
If they like SaXon Geat: Oh, definitely. They're the best!
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: Yes
Hey, dude! Write me a letter, Jeff!!! (subliminal message)

Monday 03/27/2000 2:40:16pm Guest: Kj (From: , browsing with Mozilla/4.04 [en]C-NECCK (Win95; I))
Email: Age: 2

Referred by: Did Not Respond
Guestbook Habits: I've signed this guestbook before
Date: 27-Mar-00 03:40 PM
If they like SaXon Geat: Oh, definitely. They're the best!
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: yes
You are neat! Write me!

Monday 04/03/2000 12:32:43am Guest: stud (From: , browsing with Mozilla/4.51 [en] (Win95; I))
Email: Age: 65

Referred by: From an Enemy
Guestbook Habits: I've signed this guestbook before
Date: 03-Apr-00 12:37 PM
If they like SaXon Geat: Oh, definitely. They're the best!
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: never
Iff yuoo veer a tuoopee-a, vhy nut let yuoor freeends try it oon fur a vheele-a? Cume-a oon, ve're-a nut gueeng tu hoort it. Umde hur de hur de hur.

Monday 10/23/2000 12:37:05am Guest: Jeff Parkes, the PageMaster (From: , browsing with Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows NT; DigExt))
Email: Age: 78
SaXon Geat. It's still up, I promise!
Referred by: I'm in the band, darn it!
Guestbook Habits: I've signed this guestbook before
Date: 23-Oct-00 12:36 PM
If they like SaXon Geat: I used to, before they all left!
If they've ever heard SaXon Geat play: 3. Long Time Ago
This guestbook's been goin' goofy lately. It may be because nobody ever signs it anymore, considering most of the band members are dead and gone. Well, gone anyway. But never fear! This site will be up until they get back and even beyond! Huzzah! And remember to visit my other site, at A fun ride for all involved. Keep those cameras safely rolling, and honey, if you're watching, keep the dog off the bed. Good night.

Wednesday 12/13/2000 11:03:59am

Name: Parkes, Pack, LAVanway, Tabbilos, Waite


Homepage Title: Texas Dallas Mission

Homepage URL:

Referred By: Friend

Location: PLANO! BABY!

Comments: Hello Happy Man! This is some missionaries comin' at ya live from PLANO! I had these Elders listen to some rockin' tunes from SaXon Geat! They were throughouly enchanted, as was I. Tee Hee. Anyway, If you can, you should put the whole live performance of Pez on there that would be giddy fun. I love you JEFF!

Friday 12/22/2000 4:00:58am

Guest: Elder Titkos Winder

E-Mail: whoturned off my rádio dude

Age: öreg vagyok

Homepage Title:

Homepage URL:

Referred by: Just Surfed On It

Guestbook Habits: I've signed this guestbook before

If you like SaXon Geat: persze

If you've ever heard SaXon Geat play: igen

Comments: You thought you could destroy me but Bob Saget will never be destroyed. Not even in Hungary. WRITE ME EVERYONE

Monday 08/27/2001 12:14:45am

Guest: Elder So Hot I`m Cool


Age: 20

Homepage Title: You Got It Béla

Homepage URL:

Referred by: Just Surfed On It

Guestbook Habits: I've signed this guestbook before

If you like SaXon Geat: Nagyon Szeretem õket

If you've ever heard SaXon Geat play: igen sokat

Comments: Nagyon szeretlek titeket. Legyetek szivesek és írjatok már leveleket hozzám. Nagyon örülnék. Te vagy a ferfi Jeff! Bwa ha ha ha ha ha!

Wednesday 09/26/2001 0:14:31am

Guest: Jeff Parkes


Age: -old question: Women.

Homepage Title: Back to first page

Homepage URL:

Referred by: I'm in the band darn it!

Guestbook Habits: I've signed this guestbook before

If you like SaXon Geat: They're Better Than Ezra

If you've ever heard SaXon Geat play: Once or twice

Comments: Just so you know, I've revamped and updated the page. But then, you would already know that if you are on this page, because in order to get here you have to go through the main page. Maybe I'm just signing because I'm bored.

Friday 05/17/2002 3:14:56am

Guest: Ansumana


Age: 77

Homepage Title:

Homepage URL:

Referred by: Total Stranger

Guestbook Habits: I've never signed this guestbook before

If you like SaXon Geat: yes

If you've ever heard SaXon Geat play: no

Comments: hello how are you the family parkes this is ansumana a gambian i hope all is well i will write to you later

Sunday 05/16/2004 9:40:27pm

Guest: Jeff, the last guest ever.


Age: 21

Homepage Title: Pimp Lando Fun

Homepage URL:

Referred by: Darboe's world

Guestbook Habits: I've signed this guestbook before

If you like SaXon Geat: Used to

If you've ever heard SaXon Geat play: Five years ago!

Comments: I'm just signing once more before I delete this ol' thing. But it'll be archived! Yay!