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-Information- When thinking of Rini, the word "Brat" comes to mind for quite a number of people. Sure she looks cute but looks can be deciving. Rini is your basic 7-9 year old little sister. Rini is annoying, but I think that is just her way of teasing people. She loves her parents and her friends way to much to be truely annoying. Our Pink haired little annoyance popped out of no where landing on Serena breaking up Serena and Darien's "moment". And from then on Serena had this belief that Darien liked Rini more than her, which Rini always took advantage of. Once Rini, Tuxedo Mask, and the Sailor Scouts went to Crystal Tokyo, we learned that Rini or "Small Lady" as they call her, is the daughter of Neo Queen Serenity and Neo King Endymion aka Darien and Serena's future selves. Talk about a shocker eh? "When did this happen?" was Sailor Mars line that I remember from the scene. Anywaz, Rini gets lost, and ends up getting pretty much brainwashed by WiseMan turning her into Black Lady, the grown-up evil version of Rini. After some convincing by Sailor Moo and Tuxedo Mask about how much her family and friends really do care for her, Black Lady turns back into sweet little Rini, and Sailor moon uses her power of her Imperium Silver Crystal against WiseMan, but isn't enough power to beat him, so Rini comes up with a second Imperium Silver Crystal and together they defeat WiseMan. |