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     Ami, Hmmm. What to say about Ami, well quite frankly, she is the brains of the bunch. She's the strategist, the one who takes time to think about how to the consequences & advantages of doing things. Most of her life, she lived as the genius on the outside that people (the annoyances that they are) made fun of to boost their own self-esteem. But when she entered Serena's school Crossroads Junior High, everything turned around for Ami as Serena made a special effort to be friends with her. As she grew to know Serena & later the other scouts, she became a lot happier, finally able to have friends who didn't want her around simply for her ability to whiz thru their homework. Ami's cool, calm, sensible person, and she looks at everything closely before deciding on what she wants to do. Although her attacks seem to be the weakest I've ever seen, I find then highly interesting nonetheless, they seem to be highly effective. That Bubble blast can turn a room into ice cold, pea soup fog. I say"If it works, go for it" Ami has a very small part in the love triangles that go around in this anime, she does have a couple near romantic encounters with a kid with psychic abilities named Greg