Teen Salemites ~ FanFic ~

As Most of you should know by now, we here at Teen Salemites are extremely addicted to FanFiction. Hey its fun to be able to read your own controlled environment! I've even found FanFics that are better then the show itself. There are zillions of talented writers out there, and some are brave enough to put their work up on the internet and we here thank all of you who do so and appriciate your work :)

Now, since we have yet to get our 'addicted to fanfic support group' we here at Teen Salemites have started our fanfiction section where people can send in their fics and we will gladly post em here, on our wonderful site. Maybe even if we get up the nerve we'll post some of our own, ya never know ;) so please take the time to Email Christine or Nikki your fanfics and they can post them up here. We'll accept pretty much anything as long as its teen related. The only type of fics we will NOT accept are NC-17 cuz, ummm remember we here would be minors and those stories freak us out in the first place *blech* So anything else is welcomed!! Thank you!

As you can see Nikki here is in the middle of revamping the fanfiction section, making it look nicer. See I like to be able to tell what the stories are about before I click on them so Im putting up this format so you all can know about the fic, and see which ones you want to read, and which ones you want to skim over. Hope you like our new layout cuz i spent alot of time on it. And since im revamping everything, not all the info will be filled in, hopefully my compadres will help me out with that if i ever find out if they are alive or not. :)

This site was last updated on 01.14.01 @ 4:30pm

***I finished up my very first fic 'forever, under the stars'***

Shawn and Belle FanFics

Blind Date 
Author: Belle&ShawnAlways
Status: Finished
Rating: PG
Summary: Shawn and Belle go on a blind date.

Author: Patti
Status: updated recently Chapters 1-11
Rating: ?

Christmas Story 
Author: Jennie
Status: ?
Rating: ?

Days/Passions crossover 
Author: ?
Status: ?
Rating: ?

Forever, Under the Stars
Author: Moi....Nikki
Status: finshed *8 parts*
Rating: G-PG 
Summary: this is my very first fanfic ever....
its what my brain thinks should have happened on
the show after the skating incident, and thereafter.
my brain works once in awhile ya'know :)

Hide and Seek 
Author: Jennie
Status: ?
Rating: ?

The Inevitable
Author: Marcie
Status: Finished
Rating: ?

Internet Affairs 
Author: Lexy
Status: Finished
Rating: ?

Later Years
Author: Jennie
Status: Finshed?
Rating: ?

Love and Jealousy 
Author: Christine
Status: Finished
Rating: ?

No More Timeouts 
Author: Vivian
Status: Finished
Rating: ?

Opposites Attract 
Author: JIL
Status: Finished?
Rating: ?

Playing With The Heart 
Author: ?
Status: 1-9
Rating: ?

The Road Trip 
Author: Susan
Status: New
Rating: ?

Author: Patti
Status: Chapters 1-9
Rating: pg-pg13
Summary: In a alternate universe Belle grows up 
to be a famous movie star and love arrives when 
Shawn Brady  is assigned as her bodyguard, and 
they meet again, years later...

Starlit Night 
Author: Angel
Status: ?
Rating: ?

The Elevater 
Author: ?
Status: Chapters 1-10
Rating: ?

The Truth Is Out There...& It Hurts!  
Author: Susan
Status: ?
Rating: ?

Wishes and Dreams 
Author: Jennie
Status: Finished
Rating: ?

Phillip & Chloe FanFics

Please remember that these stories are original stories, the authors are not linked to anything Days (or passions) related in any way shape or form, they are borrowing the characters expressed in these wonderful fanfic for the pleasures of others! no infringent is intended. ~Thanks and Happy Reading!

Author: Lexy
Status: complete
Rating: ?

Realizing the Truth 
Author: Jennie
Status: ?
Rating: ?

Untitled by Lisa *all Teens* 
Author: Lisa
Status: ?
Rating: ?