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In the Dark

This is the first of the crossover plotlines from Buffy to Angel and it's a great one. As we saw in Buffy ep 3 entitled "The Harsh Light of Day", Buffy gave the Gem of Amara to Oz (she had acquired it from Spike) to take to Angel in L.A. Any vampire who wears it is unkillable. The opening scene is hilarious with Spike's monologue on a rooftop whilst watching Angel save a "damsel in distress". Spike's penchant for humour never fails to satisfy. Angel accepts the Gem from Oz but doesn't see it as the bounty that Cordy and Doyle believe it to be. Angel doesn't want a quick fix to his situation...he wants to suffer and pay pennance. He is captured by Spike and his torturing lackey who attempts to find out the hiding place of the Gem. Doyle and Cordy agree to a swap...Angel for the Gem. Angel is freed, obtains the Gem and uses it to spend one day in sunlight. David Boreanaz excelled in his portrayal of Angel's wonderment in the sun. Angel destroys the Gem so it will never allow vampires to possess it. Truly a great episode.

Regular characters: Cordelia, Angel, Doyle
Villain: Spike!