Room With A Vu
Cordy is so desparate to improve her living conditions that she takes up Doyle's offer to look at a house recommended
by one of his friends. The place exceeds all of Cordelia's expectations and the rent is too good to pass up.....Unfortunately for her,
the house is also inhabited by a very nasty ghost who mistakes Cordy for her dead son's girlfriend, trying to take over the place.
Meanwhile Doyle is in trouble with some very unhappy demons, to whom he owes money. They turn up in the middle of a chaotic time at the house
when the Mother's ghost tries to 'evict' Cordy, and Angel and Doyle must cope with the demon contingent, a mad ghost and a blithering Cordy.
One of the best scenes in this ep is a visit by Angel and Doyle to the house when Cordy has moved in. Cordy opens the door to the two on the doorstep,
a cactus in Angel's hand as a house-warming gift! This is a very enjoyable episode...lots of the wisecracks we've come to love from all the characters
and it's great to see Angel's funny side more and more. The storyline is well done and there is tragedy in the reason for the ghost's stasis.
Regular characters: Angel, Cordy, Doyle
Villain: Ghost