The Freshman
The start of college after the summer shows that a lot has changed for the characters of Sunnydale. Buffy is once again 'anonymous girl' rather than 'known protector of the school'. Willow and Oz are
in their element. At college, knowledge is power not geekdom. Xander embarked on a dream trip around the U.S. only to have the engine fall out of his car and return sooner than planned. We are introduced to Riley, the psychology professor's T.A. who
has a much greater role to come....The episode is a great introductory one to the Scooby Gang's new world. Buffy's loneliness is well highlighted in this episode. The threat of the vampire, Sunday and her lackeys brings humour to a rather sombre situation for Buffy and the highlight of the episode
is a phone call to Buffy from Angel which we see and realise what it is in the "Angel" episode "City of...". The very last scene shows a vampire who escaped Buffy only to be electrically paralysed by armed men in fatigues...of whom we're bound to see more. Well done ep and looking forward to crossovers to come.
Regular characters: Buffy, Xander, Willow, Oz, Giles
Villain: Sunday (vampire)